
塔里木盆地塔河油田T区三叠纪沉积模式 被引量:5

Triassic sedimentary model in Block T of Tahe oilfield,Tarim Basin
摘要 塔河油田T区三叠纪沉积体系认识不足,在层序地层划分的基础上,综合应用岩心相、测井相、地震相及地震标准化波形属性,分析沉积体系与前陆盆地构造运动的关系,建立塔里木盆地塔河油田T区三叠纪沉积模式。研究表明:塔河油田T区三叠系划分为6个长期基准面旋回;在旋回内部识别出辫状河三角洲、河流及湖泊沉积相;地震标准化波形属性分析显示辫状河三角洲-湖泊相沉积体系呈现由近北东方向向正北方向迁移的演化特征,而河流相沉积呈近东西方向展布。逆冲活动期,盆地近源区构造沉降,大量粗粒沉积物在盆地近源区快速堆积,形成近似垂直于造山带沉积搬运的辫状河三角洲-湖泊相沉积体系;逆冲活动平静期,盆地近源区构造抬升,地势平缓,河流搬运作用弱,较细粒的沉积物在逆冲活动期形成的近东西向的断裂带中沉积下来,形成近似平行于造山带沉积搬运的河流相沉积。因此塔河油田T区三叠纪沉积时期受前陆盆地逆冲构造运动影响形成近似垂直于造山带和平行于造山带沉积搬运的两种沉积模式,该沉积模式为塔里木盆地三叠系碎屑岩储层勘探开发提供了指导。 The Triassic sedimentary system in Block T of Tahe oilfield is rarely documented.Based on the sequence stratigraphic division,the core,logging and seismic facies,as well as normalized seismic waveform attributes were integrated to analyze the relationship between sedimentary systems and tectonic movements of the foreland basin,and to establish the Triassic sedimentary model of Block T in Tahe oilfield,Tarim Basin.The results show that the Triassic in Block T of Tahe oilfield can be divided into six long-term base-level cycles,inside which the braided river delta,fluvial and lacustrine se-dimentary facies are identified;the normalized seismic waveform attribute analysis shows that the braided river delta-lacustrine sedimentary system presents a migration from the near north-east to the north,while the fluvial sediments were deposited in a nearly east-west direction.During the active period of thrusting,the tectonic subsidence in the proximal realm of the basin resulted in the rapid proximal accumulation of a large amount of coarse-grained sediments,forming a braided river delta-lacustrine sedimentary system with a transportation direction approximately perpendicular to the orogenic belt;while during the quiescent period of thrusting,tectonic uplifting occurred in the proximal realm of the basin,the terrain grew gentle and the fluvial transportation got weak.As a result,the fine-grained sediments were deposited in the nearly EW-trending fault zones formed during the thrusting period,forming the fluvial sedimentary system with a sediment transportation direction approximately parallel to the orogenic belt.Therefore,the thrusting in the foreland basin ge-nerated two sedimentary models for the Triassic sedimentary system in Block T of Tahe oilfield,with transportation directions being approximately perpendicular to and parallel with the orogenic belt,respectively.The sedimentary models are of guidance value for the exploration and development of the Triassic clastic reservoirs in the Tarim Basin.
作者 贺婷婷 段太忠 赵磊 刘彦锋 He Tingting;Duan Taizhong;Zhao Lei;Liu Yanfeng(Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute,SINOPEC,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期822-834,共13页 Oil & Gas Geology
基金 国家青年科学基金项目(41702359) 国家科技重大专项(2016ZX05033-003-002) 中石化科技部项目(P170004-4)
关键词 地震属性 辫状河三角洲 沉积相 沉积模式 沉积体系 三叠纪 塔河油田 塔里木盆地 seismic attribute braided river delta sedimentary facies sedimentary model sedimentary system Triassic Tahe oilfield Tarim Basin
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