沥青混合料温拌技术可降低近30 K的生产施工温度,一般采用添加温拌剂的方法即可达到温拌效果。但通过室内试验发现,只要调整各材料组成的拌和顺序,无需添加温拌剂亦可实现温拌目的。试验结果表明,该方法可降低20~30 K的拌和温度,并可降低0.1%~0.3%的沥青用量,制备的混合料各项性能指标均与热拌相当,从而极大地降低了材料成本。
The technology of warm mix asphalt can reduce the production and construction temperature of nearly 30 K.Generally,the warm-mix effect can be achieved by adding warm-mix agent.However,through laboratory tests,it is found that the purpose of warm mixing can be achieved without adding warm-mix agent as long as the mixing sequence of each material composition is adjusted.The test results show that the method can reduce the mixing temperature of 20~30 K and the bitumen content of 0.1%~0.3%.The performance indexes of the prepared mixture are equal to those of hot mixing and the material cost is greatly reduced.
LI Jiao(Puxing Road & Bridge Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201203, China)
Building Construction