
主导逻辑类型的形成及演化路径——基于蒙草生态的案例研究 被引量:14

The Formation and Evolution Path of Dominant Logic Types: A Case Study based on the M-Grass Ecology Corporation
摘要 探究主导逻辑类型的形成及演化路径能帮助企业认清发展的源动力:基于动态视角,采用扎根理论配合探索性单案例研究的方法,深入分析"蒙草生态”主导逻辑的形成及演化。结果表明:(1)新创企业成长历程中存在市场利益获取主导逻辑、技术创新驱动主导逻辑、价值共享网络主导逻辑3种类型;(2)主导逻辑形成主要受企业发展需求、市场需求、政府政策、机会识别4方面因素影响,其中机会识别是促发主导逻辑形成及演变的关键驱动因素;(3)过程中以“行业机会识别-政策机会识别-市场机会识别”的发展推动企业主导逻辑由市场利益获取到技术创新驱动再到价值共享网络的演化。 Exploring the formation and evolutionary path of dominant logic types can help companies recognize the source of development. Based on the dynamic perspective, this article uses the grounded theory and the exploratory single case study method to deeply analyze the formation and evolution of the dominant logic of the M-grass Ecology Corporation. The research shows that:(1) There are three types of dominant logic in the growth process of new ventures, including the market interest acquisition dominant logic, the technology innovation driving dominant logic, the value sharing network dominant logic;(2) The formation of dominant logic is mainly influenced by four factors: enterprise development demand, market demand, government policy and opportunity identification. Among them, opportunity identification is the key driving factor for the formation and evolution of dominant logic;(3) In the process of formation and evolution, the development of 'industry opportunity identification-policy opportunity identification-market opportunity identification' promotes the evolution of enterprise dominant logic from market interest acquisition to technological innovation drive to value sharing network.
作者 张璐 曲廷琛 张强 苏敬勤 长昊东 ZHANG Lu;QU Tingchen;ZHANG Qiang;SU Jingqin;Chang Haodong(Business School, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100000, China;School of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China;Department of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China;College of Business, Purdue University Northwest, Hammond 46323, USA)
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期56-69,共14页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71632004) 内蒙古自然科学基金项目(2018LH07006,2018MS07012) 内蒙古研究生科研创新资助项目(S20171012813)
关键词 主导逻辑 机会识别 演化 扎根理论 dominant logic opportunity identification evolution grounded theory
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