
常绿杜鹃不同杂种群间杂交的可育性分析 被引量:10

Cross Fertility of The Crosses Between Rhododendron Different Hybrids Groups
摘要 为研究杜鹃花属常绿杜鹃亚属中不同杂种群间杂交的可育性规律,对属于腺柱杜鹃花杂种群(Gr)、云锦杜鹃花杂种群(F)、美国山石南杜鹃花杂种群(Ga)、高加索杜鹃花杂种群(C)和东石楠杜鹃花杂种群(D)的33个品种组配302个杂交组合,对各杂种群间的杂交坐果率、结籽率和种子发芽率进行统计分析;以Ga和F杂种群为父本的杂交组合的花粉萌发率、花粉管长度/花柱长度和胚珠受精率进行荧光显微观察。结果表明:(1)从坐果率考虑,在33个品种中,‘Blurettia’、‘Sun Fire’和‘Surrey Heath’等11个品种适宜作为母本,‘Mrs. P. Denouden’、‘Marcel Menard’和‘Catawbiensis Boursault’等5个品种适宜作为父本,‘Alfred’、‘Delta’和‘XXL’等16个品种作为母本或父本皆可,而‘Cosmopolitan’不适宜作亲本;在5个杂种群中,Gr适宜作为母本,F适宜作为父本,Ga作为母本或者父本皆可,C和D的杂交效果与其配组有关;不同杂种群间杂交存在单向不育、双向可育或不育现象。(2)5个杂种群作为母本杂交的坐果率、结籽率和种子发芽率大小则分别为Ga> Gr> C> D> F,Ga> C>Gr> D> F,Ga> C> F> G r> D;作为父本杂交的坐果率、结籽率和种子发芽率大小分别为F> Ga> Gr>D> C,F> Ga> D> C> Gr,F> Ga> Gr> C> D;作为亲本的坐果率、结籽率和种子发芽率大小分别为Ga> F> Gr> D> C,Ga> F> D> C> Gr,F> Ga> C> Gr> D。(3)从花粉荧光显微观察结果来看,除D×F的花粉不萌发外,其余组合的花粉均能萌发,但各杂交组合的花粉管长度/花柱长度不同,且胚珠受精率低下。综上所述:常绿杜鹃不同杂种群间杂交存在明显不育现象,包括不能坐果、不能结籽和种子不萌发,而受精前障碍和受精后障碍可能是其杂交不育的关键原因。 In order to verify the hybrid incompatibilities among different hybrids groups belonging to Rhododendron Subgenus Hymenanthes,302 hand cross pollination treatments among 33 cultivars were conducted.According to a previous cultivar classification,all these hybrids can be divided into the Griffithianum hybrids group(Gr),Fortunei hybrids group(F),Gatawba hybrids group(Ga),Caucasicum hybrids group(C)and Degronianum hybrids group(D),respectively.The fruit set,seed set and seed germination rate were then statistically analyzed.Moreover,another types of cross pollinations including two hybrid groups as male and all these 5 different hybrids groups as female were conducted.The pollen germination rate,the pollen length/style length and the rate of the fertilized ovules in the crosses were observed by the fluorescence microscopy.The results showed that:(1)Fruit sets were varied when the same cultivar was used as the different parents.In 33 cultivars,11 cultivars were suitable as female and 5 cultivars were suitable as male,whereas 16 cultivars could be used as both female and male,however 1 cultivar‘Cosmopolitan’was not suitable as parents;With regards to the 5 hybrids groups,Gr was suitable as female,F was suitable as male,and Ga could be used as both,and the fertilization effect of C and D was related to its matching.The unilateral sterility,the bilateral fertility or sterility could be found among these different hybrids groups.(2)The order of the fruit set,seed set and the seed germination rate of the 5 hybrids groups as female parent were Ga>Gr>C>D>F,Ga>C>Gr>D>F,Ga>C>F>Gr>D,respectively;and the order of the fruit set,seed set and the seed germination rate of the 5 hybrids groups as male parent were F>Ga>Gr>D>C,F>Ga>D>C>Gr,F>Ga>Gr>C>D,and the order of the fruit set,seed set and the seed germination rate of the 5 hybrids groups as parent were Ga>F>Gr>D>C,Ga>F>D>C>Gr,F>Ga>C>Gr>D.(3)According to the pollen fluorescence microscopic observation,the pollen grains of all the tested crosses could germinate except the pollination treatment of D×F.However,the pollen tube length/style length of the cross combinations were different,and their fertilized ovule rate were low.In summary,there were obvious infertility phenomena among the different hybrids groups of Rhododendron Subgenus Hymenanthes,and the sterile types included no fruits,no seeds or no seed germination,and the pre-fertilization and post-fertilization barriers could contribute to these different types of incompatibilities.
作者 解玮佳 李世峰 瞿素萍 彭绿春 张露 杨秀梅 王继华 XIE Weijia;LI Shifeng;QU Suping;PENG Lvchun;ZHANG Lu;YANG Xiumei;WANG Jihua(Flower Research Intitute,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,National Engineering Research Center for Ornamental Horticulture,Key Lab of Yunnan Flower Breeding,Kunming 650205,China;Center for Plant Disease & Pest Biocontrol,School of Life Sciences,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,China)
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期910-922,共13页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31560225 31760231) 云南省科技计划项目(2018BB010) 云南省技术创新人才培养配套项目(2018-HB082) 云南省科技厅科技人才引进与培养专项(2016HA005)
关键词 常绿杜鹃 杂种群 杂交亲和性 结籽率 种子发芽率 花粉 荧光显微观察 Rhododendron Subgenus Hymenanthes hybrids group cross compatibility setting capsules rate seed germination rate pollen fluorescence microscope observation
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