
诚信演进的政治经济学分析——兼论社会主义诚信的特质及其实现 被引量:1

Analysis of the Evolution of Integrity with the Method of Political Economy——Discussing the integrity of socialism and its realization
摘要 中华民族自古以来就崇尚诚信,而当下的诚信状况仍是困扰我国社会经济运行的掣肘,亟待进一步改善。对于诚信有无不同的社会特质、何来社会主义诚信且如何实现,理论上并未回答清楚。在对诚信范畴进行历史唯物主义分析的基础上,可以找出诚信的基本维护条件。通过与自然经济、小商品经济及资本主义商品经济的诚信基础和诚信品质相比较,立于社会化大生产、公有制为主体基础上的社会主义诚信超越性特质便凸显出来。在此基础上,可以追索我国现阶段社会主义诚信的实现条件,即发展社会主义社会生产力,为社会主义诚信实现超越筑牢物质基础;完善我国现阶段的基本经济制度,做大做强公有制经济,引导非公有制经济健康发展,消除不公平的利益差异并扩大共同利益;扩大和夯实共享;下大力气以建立健全征信体系为传动机制,提高失信惩罚力度,营造诚信环境;促进文化层、制度层和器物层诚信建设的协调统一。 Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has been advocating integrity, but the current situation of integrity is still a constraint to China's social and economic operation and needs further improvement.There is no clear answer to the question of whether there is a difference in social traits, whether social integrity is achieved and how to achieve it. On the basis of historical materialism analysis of the integrity category, we can find out the basic maintenance conditions of integrity. By comparing with the foundation and the quality of integrity of natural economy, small commodity economy and capitalist commodity economy, the socialist integrity transcendence trait based on socialized large-scale production and public ownership is highlighted. On this basis ,we can trace the conditions for the realization of socialist integrity in China at this stage, that is, to develop socialist social productive forces and to build a material foundation for socialist integrity. We should improve China's current basic economic system, enlarge and strengthen the public economy, guide the healthy development of the non-public economy, eliminate unfair interest differences and expand common interests;make great efforts to establish a sound credit system as a transmission mechanism, improve the punishment of dishonesty and create an environment of integrity;and promote the harmonization and unification of the cultural ,institutional and instrumental integrity.
作者 常荆莎 付文军 Chang Jing-sha;Fu Wen-jun(Hubei Provincial Research Center of Socialist Theory System, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan Hubei 430074;Marxist College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310028)
出处 《经济纵横》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期26-34,共9页 Economic Review Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"<资本论>及其手稿中的社会批判思想及其当代价值研究"(编号:18YJC710012)的成果 湖北省高校人文社科重点研究基地--大学生发展与创新教育研究中心科研开放基金项目 中国地质大学(武汉)马克思主义理论学科培育计划的资助
关键词 诚信 唯物史观 社会主义核心价值观 政治经济学 Integrity Historical Materialism Core Socialist Values Political Economy
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