
生态位视角下家族企业跨代创业的空间集聚及其理论诠释 被引量:1

Spatial Agglomeration and Its Determinants of Family Firm Trans-Generational Entrepreneurship Based on Ecological Niche
摘要 基于生态位理论,构建测度家族企业跨代创业空间集聚特征的指标体系,以2008—2016年沪市、深市、中小板、创业板上市公司中的家族企业为样本,应用空间分析工具分析家族企业跨代创业活动的地区差异。研究发现:创业活动主要集中在以广东、浙江和江苏为核心的长三角和珠三角地区,但有向周边扩散的态势。省域之间家族企业的跨代创业活动多数呈现出空间负相关性,少数省域之间家族企业的跨代创业活动出现空间正相关性。接着,应用空间常系数模型分析家族企业跨代创业空间集聚的影响因素,结果表明:从影响程度来看,服务生态位对家族企业跨代创业的影响最大,其次为人才生态位和政策生态位,影响程度最低的是技术生态位。最后构建出一个家族企业跨代创业业务分析矩阵,对家族企业跨代创业空间集聚的特征及其影响因素的差异性进行探索性的诠释。 This article constructs the index system to measure the spatial agglomeration feature of family firm transgenerational entrepreneurship basing on ecological niche theory. By using listed companies of family business which belong Shanghai stock market, Shenzhen stock market, Small and Medium Enterprise(SME) board and Growth Enterprise board in 2008-2016 as samples, it analyzes the regional difference of family firm trans-generational entrepreneurship by introducing spatial analysis tool. The results of the study show that: entrepreneurship activities mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta regions with the core of Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, and there is a tendency on spreading to surrounding area. Most of family firm trans-generational entrepreneurship among provinces have negative spatial correlation, minority of family firm trans-generational entrepreneurship among provinces have positive spatial correlation. Moreover, the influence factors of spatial agglomeration in family firm trans-generational entrepreneurship are analyzed by using spatial constant coefficient model, the results show that: in terms of the impacting degree of influence factors, the service niche has the greatest impact on family firm trans-generational entrepreneurship, talent and policy niche have inferior impact level, and technical niche is in the lowest impact level. Finally, a family firm trans-generational entrepreneurship business analysis matrix is established to give exploratory annotation to the spatial agglomeration characteristics of family firm transgenerational entrepreneurship and the differences of its influencing factors.
作者 许永斌 唐欣 XU Yongbin;TANG Xin(School of Accounting, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, Zhejiang, China;School of Economics and Management, Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang 421002, Hunan, China)
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期118-127,共10页 Economic Geography
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(14AGL009) 湖南省社会科学基金项目(17YBA124) 湖南省社科联项目(XSP18YBC156) 湖南工学院"双一流"重大培育项目(2017HGPY011)
关键词 生态位 家族企业 跨代创业 空间集聚 互联网+ 技术创新 产业链 ecological niche family firm trans-generational entrepreneurship spatial agglomeration Internet + technological innovation industrial chain
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