
新时代高校年轻干部培养的现实困境与路径探索 被引量:12

The Realistic Dilemma and Path Exploration of Young Cadres Training in Colleges and Universities of the New Era
摘要 高校年轻干部大都具有较高的学历层次、丰富的知识储备,思维敏捷、接受新事物能力强,对待工作热情高、干劲足、有朝气。大力培养高校年轻干部,是加快推进教育现代化、建设教育强国、办好人民满意的大学的重要人才保障。以习近平同志为核心的党中央站在新时代党的建设的战略高度,把党的干部工作摆在了更加突出的位置,高校年轻干部培养工作开启了新的篇章,一支忠诚干净担当的优秀年轻干部队伍正在不断发展壮大。新时代新征程,高校必须坚持好干部标准,遵循干部成长规律,通过树立鲜明科学的选任导向,完善系统高效的工作机制,创新形式多样的教育方式,拓展全面覆盖的实践渠道以及构建抓常抓长的监管体制等途径,切实提高年轻干部培养质量,努力建设一支高素质专业化年轻干部队伍。 Young cadres in colleges and universities are characterized by high educational level, rich knowledge, quick thinking, openness to new knowledge, being enthusiastic about their work, being vigorous and energetic. Vigorously cultivating young cadres in colleges and universities is an important talent guarantee for accelerating the modernization of education, building a strong country of education and running a university that is satisfactory to the people. The central committee of CPC with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has stood at the strategic height of party building, and has placed the party cadre work in a more prominent position. The training of young cadres in colleges and universities has opened a new chapter. A team of outstanding young cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible is constantly growing. In the new era and new journey, colleges and universities must adhere to the standards of cadres and follow the regulation of cadres’ growth. Colleges and universities must establish a clear scientific selection orientation, improve systematic and efficient working mechanisms, innovate and diversify educational methods, expand comprehensive coverage of practical channels, and build a monitoring system that is often supervised and long-term supervised, so as to effectively improve the quality of young cadres’ training and strive to build a team of highly qualified and professional young cadres.
作者 白泽朴 BAI Ze-pu(Organization Department of Party Committee, Chang Zhou University, Chang Zhou 213164, China)
出处 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期134-140,共7页 Journal of Nantong University:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 新时代 高校 年轻干部 培养 New Era colleges and universities young cadres cultivation
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