
模拟不同重力水平下多种步态中下肢关节运动特征研究 被引量:1

Research on Kinematic Characteristics of Joints in Lower Limb during Various Gaits under Different Simulated Gravities
摘要 为探索低重力环境对人体行走和跑步时下肢关节运动特性的影响,搭建了一种悬吊式低重力模拟装置,采用惯性运动捕捉系统,对9名男性受试者在常规重力(1g)、模拟火星重力(1/3g)和模拟月球重力(1/6g)条件下的平地行走(速度4km/h)、平地慢跑(速度7km/h)和坡地行走(速度3.6km/h、坡度15°)进行运动测量,得到了不同重力水平下平地与坡地行走和跑步时髋、膝与踝关节的关节活动范围等运动学数据。结果表明,下肢各关节在矢状面上的屈曲/伸展活动范围远大于冠状面的内收/外展和横截面上的内旋/外旋活动。模拟低重力条件下,髋关节和膝关节在各个平面上的活动范围均明显减小,踝关节活动角度无显著变化规律。通过分析一个步态周期内各关节在矢状面上的角度变化发现,低重力条件下,步态运动的支撑时相变短,摆动时相变长,步态更加缓慢,且倾向于采用一种行走-蹦跳的步态策略。基于以上实验结果,梳理出了满足平地与坡地多种步态需求的下肢关节活动范围,并对星际航天服下肢关节配置进行了初步讨论。 To investigate the influence of low-gravity on the kinematic characteristics of lower limb joints during human walking and running, a suspension type low-gravity simulation device was designed and the inertial motion capture system was used to measure the lower limb motions in 9 male volunteers during ground walking ( v =4 km/h), ground running ( v =7 km/h) and 15° slope walking ( v =3.6 km/h)under traditional earth gravity (1 g ), simulated Mars gravity (1/3 g ) and lunar gravity (1/6 g ). The variation of joint angle and range of motion in hip, knee and ankle joints during various gaits under different gravity conditions were obtained. The results indicated that the range of motion at the sagittal plane was much larger than those at the coronal and horizontal planes. Under simulated low-gravity, the ranges of motion in hip and knee joints at three planes decreased obviously, while the ranges of motion in ankle joint had no significant variation. By analyzing the variation of angle in each joint at the sagittal plane during a gait cycle, it was found that under low-gravity the stance phase became shorter and the swing phase became longer with a slower gait movement, and a walk-skip strategy was preferred. Based on the above experiment results, the range of motion in lower limb joints satisfying the requirement of walking and running on flat ground and slope was sorted out. Moreover, the configuration of lower limb joints for advanced spacesuit was discussed roughly.
作者 罗诗瑶 杨洪瑞 尚坤 LUO Shiyao;YANG Hongrui;SHANG Kun(National Key Laboratory of Human Factors Engineering,China Astronaut Research and Training Center,Beijing 100094, China)
出处 《载人航天》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期316-323,共8页 Manned Spaceflight
基金 载人航天预先研究项目(020301)
关键词 航天服 模拟低重力 多种步态 下肢关节 运动学 spacesuit simulated low-gravity various gaits lower limb joints kinematics
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