

Study on the properties of N=94 nuclei chain
摘要 在区分质子和中子情况下利用严格可解的Nilsson平均场加邻近轨道对力模型研究了中子数为N=94同中异质素链的性质.首先系统地计算了其结合能和奇偶能差并与相应的实验值进行了比较,给出了此时对力强度公式.接着计算了偶偶核的转动惯量并与相应的实验值进行了比较,同时给出了对其转动惯量贡献最大的轨道.最后进一步讨论了偶偶核158 Gd的基态处于不同角动量J=0,1,2,…,12时的价核子对占有率.研究表明,该模型不但可以合理描述N=94同中异质素链核的结合能和奇偶能差,也可以合理描述偶偶核第一激发态的转动惯量和偶角动量价核子对为主的实验数据. The exactly solvable Nilsson mean-field plus nearest-orbit pairing model is applied to describe the properties of N=94 nuclei chain.By considering both proton-proton and neutron-neutron pairing interaction.Firstly,the binding energies and even-odd mass differences are calculated systematically and compared with the corresponding experimental data,and the empirical formula of pairing strength is given.Then the moment of inertia for even-even nuclei and its maximum contribution to the ground states are further calculated and compared with the experimental data.Finally,with model parameters obtained by fitting the binding energies,ground-state occupation probability of valence nucleon pairs with different angular momentum for 158 Gb is calculated,finding even angular momentum is important and dominant in its ground state.
作者 戴连荣 李冰 林庄 DAI Lianrong;LI Bing;LIN Zhuang(School of Physics and Electronic Technology,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China)
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2019年第2期162-167,共6页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11575076) 国家公派出国留学基金资助项目(201708210057)
关键词 Nilsson平均场 邻近轨道对力 奇偶能差 转动惯量 占有率 Nilsson mean-field nearest-orbit pairing interaction even-odd mass differences moments of inertia occupation probability
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