
黄连水提物对卵形鲳鲹源溶藻弧菌的抑菌作用 被引量:10

Antimicrobial Effect of Water Extracts of Coptis chinensis Franch Against Vibrio alginolyticus fromTrachinotus ovatus
摘要 卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus)是一种生长快速且肉质鲜美的经济型海水养殖鱼类,但是近些年为满足人们的日常需求,在不断扩大养殖的同时病菌也逐渐泛滥。溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)是华南沿海地区海水养殖鱼类细菌性鱼病的主要致病菌之一,给水产养殖业带来巨大损失。本研究对黄连(Coptis chinensis Franch)的抗菌作用进行系统研究,目的是为由溶藻弧菌引起的爆发性细菌性鱼病的高效防治提供科学的用药依据。本研究采用二倍稀释法测定黄连水提物对卵形鲳鲹源溶藻弧菌的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)、最低杀菌浓度(MBC)和半数致死量(LD50),并使用BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒测定细菌超声破碎上清液中可溶性蛋白含量。结果表明,黄连水提物对溶藻弧菌具有明显的抑制作用,其对溶藻弧菌的MIC、MBC和LD50的值分别为7.800mg/mL、31.250mg/mL和15.625mg/mL。胞内可溶性蛋白含量变化的结果提示:黄连发挥抑菌作用的机制可能是通过损伤细菌的细胞壁导致细菌内容物的释放并引起菌体裂解死亡。黄连具有发展成为一种高效抗水产病害中草药制剂的潜力。 Trachonotus ovatus is an economical marine fish that grows fast and has a delicious taste.However,in recent years,in order to meet people's daily needs,the germs are gradually spreading under the continuous expansion of breeding.Vibrio alginolyticus is one of the main pathogens of bacterial fish disease in marine fish in coastal areas of South China,causing huge losses to the aquaculture industry.In this paper,the antimicrobial effects of Coptis chinensis Franch was systematically studied to provide a scientific basis for the effective prevention and treatment of explosive bacterial fish disease caused by Vibrio alginolyticus.In this study,the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC),the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and the median lethal dose (LD 50 ) of the aqueous extract of C.chinensis against V.alginolyticus from T.ovatus were determined by two-fold dilution method.After sonic disruption,the soluble protein contents in V.alginolyticus were determined by BCA protein concentration assay kit.The experiment showed that the water extracts of C.chinensis had obvious inhibitory effects on V.alginolyticus,and the MIC,MBC and LD 50 values of V.alginolyticus were 7.800 mg/mL,31.250 mg/mL and 15.625 mg/mL,respectively.The changes of soluble protein contents in supernatants suggest that C.chinensis can play the inhibitory role by damaging the bacterial cell wall and causing the release of bacterial contents,which results in the lysis and death of bacteria.C.chinensis has the potential to develop a highly effective Chinese herbal preparation against aquatic diseases.
作者 刘明珠 肖贺贺 余庆 覃仙玲 黎思巧 陆兰天 吴思婷 王一兵 Dedi Fazriansyah Putra 王太霞 李鹏飞 LIU Mingzhu;XIAO Hehe;YU Qing;QIN Xianling;LI Siqiao;LU Lantian;WU Siting;WANG Yibing;WANG Taixia;LI Pengfei(Guangxi Key Lab for Marine Biotechnology,Guangxi Institute of Oceanography,Guangxi Academy of Sciences,Beihai,Guangxi,536000,China;College of Life Science,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang,Henan,453007,China;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science,Nanning,Guangxi,530007,China;School of Marine Sciences and Biotechnology,Guangxi University for Nationalities,Nanning,Guangxi,530006,China;Department of Aquaculture,Syiah Kuala University,Banda Aceh,999006,Indonesia)
出处 《广西科学院学报》 2019年第2期119-123,共5页 Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences
基金 广西重点研发计划(2018AB52003) 广西自然科学基金项目(2017GXNSFBA198176) 中央引导地方科技发展专项(2018ZYZX2036) 广西科学院基本科研业务费项目(2018YJJ903,2017YJJ23002) 广西南海珊瑚礁研究重点实验室开放课题(GXLSCRSCS2018003)资助
关键词 黄连 卵形鲳鲹 溶藻弧菌 细胞毒性 抗菌活性 Coptis chinensis Trachinotus ovatus Vibrio alginolyticus cytotoxic antimicrobial activity
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