

Simplified Calculation Model Based on Comfort Analysis
摘要 阐述了基于舒适度分析的计算模型和基于结构安全设计计算模型之间的区别,综述了国内外相关方面的研究进展。分别对结构层楼板、非结构构件、局部构造及边界条件、结构附加质量以及阻尼比的取值等因素对精细化模型的影响进行了讨论。分析认为对结构进行振动舒适度分析有必要采取更加精细化的模型。 The differences between the computational model based on comfort analysis and the computational model based on structural safety design were expounded,and the research progress of relevant aspects at home and abroad was reviewed.The effects of structural layer slabs,non-structural members,local structures and boundary conditions,structural additional mass,and damping ratio on the refined model were discussed.The analysis suggests that it is necessary to adopt a more refined model for the vibration comfort analysis of the structure.
作者 曾丹辉 ZENG Dan-hui(School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Wuhan University ofTechnology,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《建材世界》 2019年第3期115-117,共3页 The World of Building Materials
关键词 舒适度分析 振动分析 计算模型 comfort analysis vibration analysis calculation model
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