

Monographic Study on “New Poetry Innovation and Truncated Sentence”
摘要 2018年12月18日,习近平总书记出席庆祝改革开放40 周年大会并发表重要讲话指出,改革开放铸就的伟大改革开放精神,极大地丰富了民族精神内涵,成为当代中国人民最鲜明的精神标识。在这次大会上获得“改革先锋”称号的百位优秀人物中有两位小说家:“改革文学”作家的代表蒋子龙、鼓舞亿万农村青年投身改革开放的优秀作家路遥。“先锋性”及“启蒙性”是百年新诗的最大特色,新诗诗人也为改革开放,尤其是思想解放做出了巨大贡献。在改革开放成为时代的最强音、深入每个中国人心灵的新时代,新诗应该如何改革创新不仅成为新诗创作界,也是新诗研究界高度重视的课题。 On December 18, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up and delivered an important speech, pointing out the great spirit created by reform and opening up, which greatly enriched the national spiritual connotation and became the most vivid mental identity of the contemporary Chinese people. Among the hundreds of outstanding figures who won the title of“Pioneer of Reform” at this conference, there are two novelists: Jiang Zilong, the representative of the“Reform Literature” writer, and Lu Yao, an outstanding writer who encouraged hundreds of millions of rural youth to join the reform and opening up.“Pioneering” and “enlightenment” are the most distinctive features of a hundred years of new poetry. The new poetry poets also made great contributions to reform and opening up, especially to emancipation of the mind. The “reform and opening up” has become the strongest voice of the times, and entered the “ new era” of each Chinese soul.“How to reform and innovate the new poetry”has become a focus of study not only for new poetry creation community, but also for the research community. Therefore, our journal invites Professor Wang Ke and Professor Chen Zhongyi to write a thesis on the “truncated sentence”, which has appeared as a new form of new poetry in recent years.
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期31-31,47,共2页 Henan Social Sciences








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