
儿童语言障碍与语言评估 被引量:32

An Overview of Child Language Disorders and Assessments
摘要 语言问题是常见的儿童发育疾病的主要症状之一。本文系统回顾了儿童语言障碍与其他相关发育障碍的定义、症状、评估、鉴别诊断和循证干预。基于中国的医疗环境,讨论了以鉴别诊断和早期循证干预为目的、以跨专业实践团队相互合作为背景的综合性评估的重要性。 Language problems are one of the key symptoms for many common developmental disorders. This article systematically reviews the definition, symptoms, prevalence, assessments, differential diagnosis, and evidencebased intervention of child language disorder with other related developmental disorders. It also discusses the importance of comprehensive assessments for differential diagnosis and early and evidence-based intervention in the context of an interprofessional practice team collaborating with one another in view of China’s unique healthcare environment.
作者 刘雪曼 LIU Xue-man
出处 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2019年第3期161-165,共5页 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
关键词 儿童语言障碍 儿童语言评估 儿童发育障碍 鉴别诊断 循证干预 迟语 Child language disorder Child language assessment Child developmental disorder Differential diagnosis Evidence-based intervention Late talking
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