
孤独症谱系障碍儿童语言功能评估探析 被引量:13

Exploration and Analysis of Language Functions for Autism Spectrum Disorders
摘要 孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders,ASD)是一类神经发育障碍性疾病,致残率高,严重危害儿童的身心健康。几乎所有的ASD儿童都存在语言障碍,包括在语言理解、语言表达、交流技巧及非口语沟通方面均有不同程度的障碍表现。本文就ASD儿童的语言特征和语言评估工具做以分析、介绍。孤独症儿童在干预前进行全面、细致的语言功能评估对制订干预计划、实施干预措施、评估干预结果及判断预后均有重要意义。研制开发一种专门针对孤独症儿童语言评估的工具十分必要。 Autism spectrum disorders(ASD) is a neural developmental disorder, and the disability rate is high enough to, seriously harm children’s physical and mental health.Almost all children with ASD have language impairment,including varying degrees of impairment in language comprehension and expression, communication skills and nonverbal communication.This paper analyzes the language features and language assessment tools for children with ASD.Comprehensive assessment of language functions in children with ASD before intervention is important to the formulation of intervention plans, implementation of intervention measures, assessment of intervention results and prognosis.It is necessary to develop a language assessment tool for children with ASD.
作者 马冬梅 姜志梅 庞伟 历虹 郭岚敏 李鑫 吕美萱 牛天瑜 MA Dong-mei;JIANG Zhi-mei;PANG Wei;LI Hong;GUO Lan-min;LI Xin;LV Mei-xuan;NIU Tian-yu
出处 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2019年第3期175-178,共4页 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
基金 黑龙江省卫生计生委科研课题(2014-262) 佳木斯大学科学技术重点项目(SYZ2012028) 佳木斯大学康复医学院科技创新基金项目(JDKFCX2014-03) 佳木斯大学重点应用项目(SYZ2012-28)
关键词 孤独症谱系障碍 语言 评估工具 Autism spectrum disorders Language Assessment tools
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