
学龄听障儿童理解性词汇的习得分析 被引量:5

Development of Receptive Vocabulary in School-Aged Children with Hearing Loss
摘要 目的探讨学龄听障儿童词汇发展的状况,分析听觉年龄、听障程度与参与早期干预课程的年龄是否与词汇习得有关。方法选择33名小学二年级听障儿童,采用中文版毕宝德图画词汇施测(peabody picture vocabulary testrevised)。分析方法(1)比较儿童在每种类别词汇的错误率与该类别词汇在测验所有词汇中所组成的比例,检测听障儿童是否在某个语意类别的词汇表现相对困难。(2)依据儿童的生理年龄与听觉年龄对照常模所得的标准分数,比较健听儿童常模的标准分数,检测二者间是否有显著差异。(3)检查人口统计资料(如听障程度、生理年龄、听觉年龄等)与词汇标准分数是否相关,以了解人口统计资料与听障儿童词汇发展的关系。结果 (1)听障儿童在各种工作的人及其各种扮演角色的词汇较其它类别词汇表现相对困难;(2)以生理年龄为依据,听障儿童的词汇量极显著低于健听同伴的平均常模分数(P<0.001),而以听觉年龄为依据,听障儿童的词汇量则极显著高于健听儿童(P<0.001);(3)儿童接受早期干预课程的年龄及听障程度均与以听觉年龄为依据所对照的词汇标准分数呈极显著相关(P<0.01)。结论先天性听力障碍程度可能限制听障儿童词汇的发展,但后天的助听设备配戴、语言输入,以及早期干预课程,均可弥补其词汇发展的不足。 Objective The present study aims to investigate receptive vocabulary development in school-aged children with hearing loss(HL) from the perspectives of quality and quantity. We intented tu study the relationship of children’s hearing age, degree of HL and age of involvement of early intervention. Methods Thirty-three children with HL were tested using the Chinese version of Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised. The investigation was three-fold: The error rate for each content area was compared against the proportion of test items within that content area to explore if there were any content area(s) that lead to a relatively greater challenge for children with HL. The standard scores between children’s chronological age and hearing age were compared to those from normal hearing children and the differences were checked.The association between children’s demographic variables degree of HL,chronological age,hearing age and vocabulary scores was inspected. Results The content area, people of every walk of life and their roles were observed to cause the relatively greater difficulty to children with HL.The vocabulary score based on chronological age of children with HL was significantly lower than the average score from the norm for hearing children, whereas their scores based on hearing age were significantly higher when compared with the norm.The correlation of the standard scores based on children’s hearing age with their age at early intervention and degree of HL was significant. Conclusion While congenital hearing loss might affect the acquisition of vocabulary in children with HL, the amplification fitting, language input and early intervention may help ameliorate the deficiency in their vocabulary development.
作者 詹益智 杨又臻 吴佳佳 ZHAN Yi-zhi;YANG You-zhen;WU Jia-jia
出处 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2019年第3期213-216,220,共5页 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
关键词 听障儿童 词汇发展 早期干预 听觉年龄 听障程度 Children with hearing loss Vocabulary development Early intervention Hearing age Degree of hearing loss
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