
北京市3所三级甲等医院ICU护士工作疲溃感与隐性缺勤的相关性研究 被引量:13

The Investigation on the Correlation between the Job Burnout and Recessive Absence of ICU Nurses in Three Third-grade Class-A Hospitals in Beijing
摘要 目的:调查北京市3所三级甲等医院ICU护士工作疲溃感与隐性缺勤水平的现状,并探讨两者间的相关性。方法:采用一般资料问卷、中文版工作疲溃感量表(MBI)、斯坦福隐性缺勤量表(SPS-6)对北京市3所三级甲等综合性医院的200名ICU护士进行问卷调查。结果:ICU护士工作疲溃感总均分为(70.23±14.87)分,隐性缺勤总均分为(16.65±4.69)分,均处于较高水平;ICU护士工作疲溃感与隐性缺勤呈正相关(r=0.350,P<0.01),分层回归分析显示,工作疲溃感中的情绪疲惫感、工作无成就感2个维度可独立解释隐性缺勤29.6%的变异。结论:ICU护士工作疲溃感与隐性缺勤均处于较高水平,且工作疲溃感与隐性缺勤呈一定的正相关关系,因此,护理管理者应采取针对性干预措施,创造有利于缓解ICU护士工作疲溃感的环境,进而减少隐性缺勤的发生。 Objective:To investigate the current situation of job burnout and recessive absence of ICU nurses in three third-grade class-A hospitals in Beijing,and to explore the correlation between them.Methods:A total of 200 ICU nurses in three third-grade class-A general hospitals of Beijing were investigated by general data questionnaire,Maslach burnout inventory of Chinese version(MBI)and Stanford presenteeism scale(SPS-6).Results:The total score of ICU nurses′ job burnout was(70.23±14.87),and the total number of recessive absences was(16.65±4.69),both at a relatively high level;ICU nurses′ job burnout was positively correlated with recessive absence( r= 0.350 ,P <0.01).Stratified regression analysis showed that the two dimensions included emotional fatigue in job burnout and job no-achievement could independently explain the 29.6% variation of recessive absence.Conclusion:Job burnout and recessive absences of ICU nurses are both at a high level,and there is a positive correlation between job burnout and recessive absences.Therefore,nursing managers should take targeted intervention measures to create an environment conducive to alleviate job burnout of ICU nurses,so as to reduce the occurrence of recessive absences.
作者 刘娇 孙秀梅 刘夫艳 Liu Jiao;Sun Xiumei;Liu Fuyan(China-Japan Friendship Hospital,Beijing100029,China)
机构地区 中日友好医院
出处 《齐鲁护理杂志》 2019年第11期20-23,共4页 Journal of Qilu Nursing
关键词 北京市 三级甲等医院 ICU 护士 工作疲溃感 隐性缺勤 Beijing Third-grade class-A hospital ICU Nurse Job burnout Recessive absence
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