
移民影响英国脱欧的内在机制论析 被引量:1

An Analysis on the Internal Mechanism of Immigration that Leads to Brexit
摘要 自从2016年英国脱欧公投以来,英国脱欧一直是国际热门话题。从现实来看,英国脱欧的道路已趋于明朗化。英国脱欧,既不是个人情绪冲动的结果,也不是选民对政治的广泛不满,更不是民粹主义的胜利,而是英国普遍的反移民情绪的结果,是英国民众基于理性基础上的现实选择。移民特别是欧盟移民的大规模涌入,媒体对移民的长时期、大规模、夸张性的报道,英国脱欧投票前的欧洲难民危机,以及移民对英国社会造成了诸多不利影响,共同促成了英国人反对移民进而投票支持英国脱欧。英国多数民众支持英国脱欧,根源在于移民确实对英国社会造成了消极影响,这损害了英国普通民众特别是底层民众的现实利益,引起了英国多数民众的焦虑和不满。这就是移民影响英国脱欧的内在机制。移民对英国很多地区特别是贫困地区的公共服务体系造成了较大压力。移民占据大量低技术工作;移民增加学校的承载容量和运行费用,延长患者接受医疗服务的等候时间;移民与英国人激烈竞争私人出租住房,适度降低英国人获得社会公房的可能性。 Since the referendum on Brexit held in 2016,Brexit has remained a hot international topic. From the reality,the trend to Brexit has tended to be clearer. Brexit is neither the result of personal impulse,nor the voters’ widespread dissatisfaction with politics,or the triumph of populism,but the outcome of prevailing anti-immigration sentiment in Britain. It is a realistic choice made by the British people on the rational basis to break away from the EU. Massive influx of immigrants,especially immigrants from the EU;long-term,large-scale and exaggerated reports by the media on immigrants;the European refugee crisis before the referendum on Brexit;and the negative impacts brought about by immigrants on British society,are all factors that have contributed to British opposition to immigration and voting in favor of Brexit. The reason that the majority of British people support Britain exiting from the EU lies in the fact that immigrants have indeed caused a host of negative impacts on British society,which have undermined the real interests of the general public in Britain,especially those at the grassroots,and aroused anxiety and discontent on the part of the majority of the people living in the UK. This is the internal mechanism of immigration that leads to Brexit,as immigrants have put a lot of pressures on the public service system in many parts of Britain,particularly in poor areas. The immigrants have occupied a large number of low-skilled jobs;stretched the carrying capacity and operating costs of schools;extended the waiting time for patients to receive medical services;and competed fiercely with the British for private rental housing and moderately reduced the possible access of the British people to social housing.
作者 刘旭东 Xudong Liu
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期57-68,共12页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
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