

The Effects Study of Structure and Geometric Parameters on Performance of Solar Dish Methane Receiver-Reactors
摘要 与传统以定壁温或定热流作为边界条件不同,为更精确分析结构与扰流参数对碟式太阳能甲烷接收反应器性能的影响,本文考虑实际辐照,以高斯分布模型(Guassian distribution model)作为热流边界条件,提出树形分叉和旋流槽道型两种新型反应器结构,并对其内部传热传质进行了数值分析。文中分析了结构类型、隔板个数及层数、旋流槽道弧度及数量对接收反应器径向温度分布和甲烷转化率的影响。结果表明,接收反应器结构对径向温差和转化效率影响很大。当入口流速一定时,旋流槽道型结构的甲烷转化率最高,树形分叉结构次之,而传统的圆锥型接收反应器最小。在此基础上,分析了树形分叉结构和旋流槽道型结构的结构参数对反应器性能的影响,结果表明增加树形结构的层数、排数对于优化反应器内温度场并无显著效果,甲烷的转化率提升受限。增大旋流槽道的弧度和数量对于改善反应器内温度场,降低截面径向温差并无显著效果,甲烷的转化率提升受限。这也表明了接收反应器结构是影响其内部温度场和反应性能最重要的原因。 Different from the traditional given temperature and heat flux boundary condition, in this contribution, we apply the Guassian distribution model(GDM) as the heat flux boundary to simulate the methane steam reforming for hydrogen production in the solar dish receiver-reactor.Furthermore, we propose two new structures of receiver-reactor, which are the fractal tree-like structure and the swirl channel structure, respectively. We analyze the effects of structure, numbers and layers of baffle plate, and radian and numbers of blades of the receiver-reactor on maximum radial temperature difference and methane conversion rate. The numerical results show that the structure of the reactor has a significant influence on the radial temperature difference and methane conversion rate. When the inlet velocity remains constant, the swirl channel structure has the highest methane conversion rate, the fractal tree-like structure has the second highest methane conversion rate and the traditional conical cavity receiver-reactor has the lowest methane conversion rate. Based on aforementioned discussion, we analyze the effects of structural parameters on chemical performance of fractal tree-like structure and swirl channel structure receiver-reactor. The results show that there are no obvious effects on radial temperature distribution and methane conversion rate through increasing the numbers and layers of baffle plate and radian and numbers of blades of fractal tree-like structure receiver-reactor. Besides, there are no obvious effects on radial temperature distribution and methane conversion rate through increasing the radian and numbers of blades of the swirl channel structure receiver-reactor. It also shows that structural type of receiver-reactor is the most important effect factors on maximum radial temperature difference and chemical reaction performance.
作者 刘赟 叶闻杰 李永华 LIU Yun;YE Wen-Jie;LI Yong-Hua(Key Lab of Condition Monitoring and control for Power Plant Equipment, School of Power, Energy and Mechanical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Power Engineering Department, Baoding 071003, China)
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1319-1331,共13页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.51706072) 国家留学基金资助项目(No.201606735057) 中央高校基本科研业务费面上项目(No.2018MS102)
关键词 碟式太阳能接收反应器 甲烷重整制氢 树形分叉结构 旋流槽道结构 solar dish receiver-reactor methane reforming for hydrogen production fractal tree-like structure swirl channel structure
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