
默克尔执政以来德国高等教育国际化战略 被引量:5

Higher Education Internationalization Strategy in Germany since Merkel Years
摘要 自2005年默克尔执政以来,为追求科学与研究的卓越性,扩大德国在国际上的影响力,弘扬德意志文化,德国大力推进高等教育国际化进程。其高等教育国际化的发展路径,包括扩大学生与学术人员的双向流动、加强国际合作研究、加强课程的国际化、建立高校海外伙伴联系等。德国的高等教育国际化呈现出以下新的特征:国别策略有所调整;更加关注职业教育领域的国际化;第三方机构作用凸显;更加注重教育输出和输入的双向度发展;加强难民对德国高等教育的融入。 Since Merkel took office in 2005, Germany has vigorously promoted the process of higher education internationalization in order to pursue excellence of science and research, regain the status of the world science center, expand Germany’s influence in the world and spread German culture. The development path of German higher education internationalization includes promoting two-way flow of students and academics,strengthening international cooperative research with other countries, carrying out curriculum internationalization,establishing partnerships with overseas universities and etc. German higher education internationalization presents the following new features: Firstly, the country priority has been adjusted. Secondly, Germany has been paying more attention to internationalization of vocational education. Thirdly, the role of agencies in third sector has been highlighted. Fourthly, more emphasis has been placed on bi-directional development of education export and import. Lastly, refugees’ integration into German higher education has been emphasized.
作者 刘淑华 郭荣梅 LIU Shuhua;GUO Rongmei(College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310028)
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期58-66,共9页 International and Comparative Education
基金 2017年国家社会科学基金项目“公立高等教育问责运行机制研究”(项目编号:17BGL171)阶段性研究成果
关键词 德国 高等教育 教育国际化 国际化战略 Germany higher education internationalization of education internationalization strategy
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