
微信版糖尿病前期干预软件的研究与开发 被引量:1

Research and development of WeChat software in prediabetic intervention
摘要 目的利用微信版糖尿病前期干预软件对糖尿病前期者进行早期、有效的干预和管理,以阻止或延缓病情进展,降低糖尿病发病率。方法基于微信版糖尿病前期干预软件设置饮食、运动、健康宣教、健康预警、互动平台等干预技术,改变糖尿病前期者的生活方式,调控风险因素,使空腹血糖值和餐后血糖值逆转或延缓进展。结果成功申请计算机软件著作权登记,对参与使用软件的150例糖尿病前期者发放调查问卷,103例参与者认为软件操作简单易学,120例参与者认为咨询方便快捷,143例参与者认为健康顾问专业性和干预方案的针对性非常强,7例参与者认为首页布局需要美化。结论微信版糖尿病前期干预软件能发挥糖尿病前期者的主观能动性,有效地干预其生活方式,并具有不受时间、地域限制,方便快捷等特点。 Objective To use WeChat software to intervene and manage prediabetic state patients early and effectively,prevent or delay the progress of the disease,and reduce the incidence of diabetes.Methods Based on the WeChat software in prediabetic state intervention,intervention technologies such as diet,exercise,health education,health warning and interactive platform were set up to change the lifestyle of prediabetic state patients,regulate risk factors,and reverse or delay the progress of fasting and postprandial blood glucose values.Results Computer software copyright registration was successfully applied.A questionnaire was distributed to 150 prediabetic state patients who participated in the use of the software.103 participants thought that the software was easy to learn,120 participants thought that the consultation was convenient and fast,143 participants thought that the health consultant’s professionalism and intervention program were highly targeted,and 7 participants thought that the home page layout needed to be beautified.Conclusion The WeChat sofeware in prediabetic state intervention can give full play to the subjective initiative of pre-diabetes patients,effectively intervene in prediabetic life test mode,and has the characteristics of no time,geographical constraints,convenience and rapidity.
作者 王静 戴玉英 张小红 许涵玉 蔡子英 章冬静 WANG Jing(Hangzhou Medical College,Hangzhou 310053,China)
出处 《临床合理用药杂志》 2019年第15期160-163,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use
基金 浙江省医药卫生科学研究基金(2015KYA066)
关键词 糖尿病前期 微信 干预 Prediabetic state WeChat Intervention
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