
中美公众的文化交流与国家形象认知调查(2017~2018) 被引量:5

Investigation on the General Public’s Observation of Cultural Exchange and National Image in China and the United States(2017-2018)
摘要 2019年是中美建交40周年。在当前中美关系处于下行趋势风险的重要关头,本文基于中美跨国民调数据>展现两国公众关于对方国家的认知感受状态,讨论两国民意关于中美双边关系的现实态度与趋势判断。相较美国公众,中国受访者对美国表现出更多的兴趣,同时,也对认识外部世界持有更多兴趣;两国公众对彼此国家的信息认知存在一定落差,中国公众对美国的了解程度更高;美国影视节目对中国受众仍具有较大影响;相比中国公众接触美国公众的情况,美国受访者与中国人打交道的机会更多;中国公众在社会信任感、国民自豪感和生活满意度层面比美国公众表现出更高水平;受访者倾向认为两国社会都面临着医疗改革和廉政/行政效率问题的挑战-环境污染被两国受访者均视为目前中国社会的严重问题。针对不同国际关系和全球性事件议题,两国公众的观点既有相似之处,也有各自的主张差异,体现中美社会在对待国际问题以及跨文化传播过程中合作和分歧并存的复杂面貌。 2019 is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the U.S.. As the Sino-U.S. relationship is at a critical juncture of going on a downward trend, based on the transnational survey data, this study investigates the general public’s perception of the other country in China and the U.S., and discusses their realistic attitude towards the Sino-U.S. bilateral relations as well as their judgment about the trend. In comparison, the Chinese people are more interested in the U.S.than the American people are to China, so are they in understanding the external environment;there is an information gap between the two countrys’ people in knowing about each other that the Chinese public has a better understanding of the U.S.;the American movies and TV programs still have a great influence in the Chinese society;the Americans have more opportunities to meet the Chinese than the Chinese have to meet the Americans;the Chinese respondents show a higher average level of social trust, national pride and life satisfaction than the American respondents;respondents of both sides regard the health reform and corruption/administrative efficiency issues as the challenges of both countries, while environmental pollution is seen by them as a serious problem only in China. Public opinions on international relations and global affairs in China and the U.S. are similar sometimes, but remain different in specific contexts, revealing the complexity in their dealing with the international and transcultural issues where cooperation and difference coexist.
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第9期47-67,共21页 Frontiers
基金 华中科技大学文科双一流建设项目基金资助,课题组成员:张昆、张明新、徐迪、王昀、李卫东、陈薇
关键词 中国 美国 文化交流 国家印象 国际关系 China U.S. cultural exchange national image international relations
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