Tea had always been one of the most popular export commodities in the Qing Dynasty. In the middle of the 19th century, as the Chinese economy was drawn into the world capitalist market, the tea trade also developed greatly. However, at the same time, the problem of “fake tea” was becoming increasingly serious, jeopardizing the entire Chinese tea industry. The methods of counterfeiting in the tea trade were extremely diverse. Just in the production process, they could be roughly divided into four categories: dynamiting, dyeing, refurbishment and aroma enhancement. There are many reasons for the appearance of the problem, but it can basically be explained from both active and passive aspects. In response to the phenomenon of inferiority and dishonesty in the Chinese tea industry, there had been some reflections and rectifications. However, in the late Qing when the state and society were ill, many measures failed to be implemented. Thus, in spite of some rectification effects, the “fake tea” problem had not been properly solved.
LIN Bai-yao(School of History, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China)
Academic Exploration
late Qing
Chinese tea industry
“fake tea”