
中国区域生态建设协调度评价及提升——基于能源技术专利数据 被引量:9

Evaluation and promotion of coordination degree of regional ecological construction in China:based on patent data of energy technology
摘要 不断深化的工业化和城市化使中国化石能源消耗处于扩展期。日益增加的化石能源消耗尽管带来了快速的经济发展,但也使中国面临着日益严重的资源环境问题。而随着经济发展水平的不断提高,人们对生活质量的要求越来越高,并逐渐成为社会主要矛盾的重要体现。在另一方面,受区域技术、经济等因素影响,区域生态建设绩效出现了加大的差异。尽管国家采取了一系列政策来促使区域生态建设协调程度,但区域差异现象依然明显。在这种情况下,中央提出建设美丽中国来满足各地区人们对高质量生活的向往。结合现有研究结论来看,要想建设美丽中国、实现区域平衡发展,就必须提高区域生态建设协调程度。而要真正实现区域生态建设协调发展,就必须通过能源技术创新提高区域能源效率改善区域生态水平。基于上述分析,文章在基于能源约束程度对内陆省市进行区域划分基础上,运用DEA方法评价了区域生态建设协调度,分析了能源技术专利总量对区域生态建设协调度的影响,讨论了区域生态建设协调度提升途径。结论显示:①中国区域生态建设协调度在不断提高但总体水平不高,且与能源约束程度成正比。②能源技术专利是区域生态建设协调程度不断提高的重要动力,区域生态建设协调程度与专利总量成正相关关系;但区域推动作用差异明显,其大小取决于区域能源消费特征与专利结构。可从以下方面提高区域生态建设协调程度:扩大能源技术研发规模,优化能源技术研发投入和专利结构;控制能源消费总量,实现能源消费结构的低碳化;加强政策体系建设,充分发挥政策工具的创新诱导作用。 The deepening of industrialization and urbanization has kept fossil energy consumption in China increasing.Though it has brought about rapid economic development,it also makes China’s environment deteriorated increasingly.With the improvement of economic development level,people’s requirements for the quality of life are getting higher,which gradually becomes an important manifestation of main social contradictions.On the other hand,due to the influence of regional technology and economy,the differences of ecological construction performance among regions have been enlarged gradually.Although the government has adopted a series of policies to promote the coordination of regional ecological construction,regional differences are still obvious.In this case,the central government proposed to build a beautiful China to meet the aspirations of people in all regions for a high quality of life.According to the existing research,in order to build a beautiful China and achieve balanced regional development,it is necessary to improve the coordination degree of regional ecological construction.In order to realize the coordinated development of regional ecological construction,it is necessary to improve regional energy efficiency through energy technology innovation which improves regional ecological level.Based on the above analysis,this paper evaluates the coordination degree of regional ecological construction by using DEA method on the basis of regional division by the use of energy constraint degree.It analyzes the influence of total amount of energy technology patent on the coordination degree of regional ecological construction,and discusses the ways to improve the coordination degree of regional ecological construction.The conclusion shows that:①The coordination degree of regional ecological construction in China is increasing.However,the overall level of it is not high and it is proportional to the degree of energy constraints.②The patent of energy technology is an important driving force for increasing coordination degree of regional ecological construction.The coordination degree of regional ecological construction is positively correlated with the total amount of patent.However,the differences of regional driving effect which depends on the characteristics of regional energy consumption and patent structure are obvious.The coordination degree of regional ecological construction can be improved from the following aspects:expanding the scale of energy technology research,optimizing the investment of energy technology research and patent structure of,controlling total energy consumption,realizing the low carbonization of energy consumption structure,strengthening the construction of policy system,and giving the innovative inducement of policy tools into full play.
作者 张意翔 成金华 徐卓程 毛纪云 ZHANG Yi-xiang;CHENG Jin-hua;XU Zhuo-cheng;MAO Ji-yu(Research Center of Resource and Environmental Economics,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan Hubei 430074,China;Hubei Ecological Civilization Research Centec,Wuhan Hube 430074,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期58-64,共7页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“中国老年照料劳动力需求及应对策略研究”(批准号:17BRK019),“我国绿色能源产业政策之间的相互作用及其组合策略研究”(批准号:17BJL083) 中宣部文化名家暨“四个一批”人才自选项目“市、县生态文明考评体系研究” 中共湖北省委改革智库2019项目“区域生态文明协调发展机制研究”(批准号:STZK2019Y05)
关键词 能源约束 区域生态建设协调度 能源技术专利 energy constraint regional ecological construction coordination degree energy technology patent
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