
自恋型领导对建言采纳的影响 被引量:3

Impact of Narcissistic Leadership on Voice Endorsement
摘要 领导采纳建言是员工建言发挥作用的重要前提,以往研究较少考察建言采纳的影响因素。基于相关理论,提出自恋型领导与建言采纳的关系假设,考察了建言建设性感知的中介效应与领导—成员交换关系(LMX)的调节效应,并通过271份上下级配对数据对研究假设进行了检验。实证结果表明:自恋型领导负向影响建言采纳;建言建设性感知在自恋型领导与建言采纳之间起部分中介作用;LMX在自恋型领导与建言建设性感知之间起负向调节作用,即LMX水平越高,自恋型领导对建言建设性感知的影响越弱,反之,则越强。研究有助于加深对领导因素与建言采纳关系的理解,是对现有建言采纳前因探讨的有益补充,同时对于企业员工管理及领导力提升等实践具有一定指导意义。 Whether employee voice behavior can truly improve the status quo of organization depends on whether the leader conduct voice endorsement,and previous research paid little attention to factors affecting voice endorsement.Based on related theory,this study proposes the relationship between narcissistic leadership and voice endorsement,the mediating effect of perceived constructiveness of voice,and the moderating effect of Leader-Member Exchange(LMX).The hypothesis is tested by 271 copies of supervisor-subordinate matching data.The result shows that narcissistic leadership is negatively related to voice endorsement,perceived constructiveness of voice play a role of partial mediation in it,and Leader-Member Exchange(LMX)has negatively moderating effect on the relationship between narcissistic leadership and perceived constructiveness of voice.Namely,the higher the Leader-Member Exchange(LMX),the weaker the effect of narcissistic leadership on perceived constructiveness of voice,or vice versa.This research enriches the understanding of relationship between leadership factor and voice endorsement,which is also an important complement to existing research of antecedents of voice endorsement and beneficial to guide management practices such as staff management and leadership training.
作者 詹小慧 戴胜利 ZHAN XiaoHui;DAI ShengLi(International Business School,Jinan University,Zhuhai 519070;College of Public Administration,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079)
出处 《财贸研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期91-98,110,共9页 Finance and Trade Research
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“指向价值观认同的人力资源实践构建及其对组织绩效的作用机制研究——基于利益相关者的视角”(71372027) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目“变革型领导与价值观一致性:意义建构和社会学习双视角”(KYLX16_0025)
关键词 自恋型领导 建言建设性感知 建言采纳 领导-成员交换关系 narcissistic leadership perceived constructiveness of voice voice endorsement leader-member exchange relationship
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