
双特征空间客体捆绑关系的存储机制——来自ERP的证据 被引量:1

An Event-related Potentials Study of Maintenance of Binding Spatial Object in Working Memory
摘要 利用事件相关电位技术(ERPs),采用延迟匹配任务的实验范式,测查了16名正常被试完成位置客体、方向客体和位置—方向捆绑客体的工作记忆诱发的皮层慢电位。实验发现:在第1个客体呈现后的300ms到600ms之间,在顶叶皮层(CP5、P7、P3),位置客体、方向客体比捆绑客体诱发了一个更负的成分;在右额(F4、FC6、FC2、F8)、右后颞(TP10)、左颞(T7)、左后颞(TP9)等脑区,捆绑客体比单一特征客体诱发出了一个更正的成分;在800至1400ms的慢波成分上,位置和方向捆绑客体在F4、FC6和F8三个记录点诱发的波形比单一特征客体的波形波幅更正。右侧前额叶参与了客体整合表征的存储,该结果支持了情景缓冲器的假设。 This study aimed to examine the pattern of brain activation when location object, direction object or location - direction binding object was retained in working memory, taking advantage of the spatial - temporal properties of ERP slow waves. Within - subjects design was adopted. Sixteen volunteers participated in the present study. Two major results were:( 1) Location object and direction object elicited a more negative ERP deflection on the left parietal lobe than did binding object in the time window from 300ms to 600ms after onset of the first object;(2) Binding object elicited a more positive ERP deflection on the right frontal lobe in the time window from 300ms to 600ms and from 800ms to 1400ms after onset of the first object. The right frontal lobe involved in maintenance process of binding object in working memory. These findings support the existence of episodic buffer for the maintenance of multi - features binding information.
作者 傅亚强 Fu Yaqiang(Department of Psychology, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121)
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期127-132,共6页 Psychological Exploration
基金 2013年度教育部人文社科研究青年基金项目(13YJC190005)
关键词 捆绑过程 皮层慢电位 情景缓冲器 视空间模板 binding process slow wave episodic buffer visuo - spatial sketch pad
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