
基于辐射度学的隧道洞外亮度及色温动态变化规律研究 被引量:1

A Research on Dynamic Changing Rules of Luminance and Color Temperature Outside Tunnels Based on Radiometry
摘要 论文是国家自然科学基金资助项目"视觉理论在公路隧道照明节能中的应用研究"(批准号:50878217)、"基于人眼适应的公路隧道入口段亮度研究"(批准号:50908240)和"公路隧道照明察觉对比设计方法研究"(批准号:51278507)的研究分课题,旨在设计之初就能获知隧道洞外亮度及色温取值及其变化规律,为隧道照明设计提供更为详尽和可靠的基准数据,优化隧道各加强段的照明及控制,节约照明设备初期投资以及后续运营能耗,实现隧道照明节能。隧道洞外光度及色度是隧道洞外光环境的两个方面,在此前的研究中,国内外学者主要集中在洞外的光度方面,即一直比较关注隧道洞内外亮度变化的适应关系;而对色度方面的研究较为缺乏,尚未考虑隧道洞内外色温变化的适应关系。因此,本文首次引入洞外色温的概念,在太阳辐射、大气科学等相关理论及研究成果的基础上,提出了基于辐射度学的隧道洞外亮度及色温研究方法,并以此来研究其动态变化的规律。为隧道照明设计标准的完善和隧道照明设计的实践提供理论依据。论文第二章主要梳理和界定了隧道洞外亮度L20 (S)和隧道洞外色温TC20 (S)的概念及其确定方法,并梳理了与之相关的太阳辐射、色度学等方面的理论知识,论证了开展隧道洞外色温基础研究的重要意义,提岀采用明视觉10°视场的光谱光视效率函数和CIE1964标准色度学系统进行隧道洞外亮度和色温研究更为合适,为后续研究明确了方向及理论依据。论文第三章通过现场调研、理论分析及隧道标准研究,分析和明确了影响隧道洞外亮度及色温的3个主要因素,即:1)20°视场范围内隧道洞外景物的类型及面积百分比;2)入射天然光的光谱功率分布;3)洞外景物表面的光谱反射率。并通过对这3个影响因素的深入剖析,确定了隧道洞外各景物表面所接受太阳总光谱辐射照度的理论计算模型,实测了四类主要典型景物和材料的光谱反射特征。论文第四章正式提出了基于辐射度学的隧道洞外亮度及色温理论研究方法。从辐射度学理论出发,利用大气传递系数法先建立太阳光谱辐射照度理论模型,再根据景物光谱反射率求解出景物的光谱辐射亮度,通过“辐射-光度”和“辐射-色度”的转换计算出隧道洞外亮度及色温,从而建立岀一整套基于辐射度学的隧道洞外亮度及色温理论模型。同时,以重庆、拉萨及乌鲁木齐3个典型地区不同状态下的典型隧道为例,进行洞外亮度及色温的理论计算,并对不同状态下的计算结果进行了分析总结。论文第五章根据上述理论模型,分别对重庆、拉萨和乌鲁木齐3个典型地区南北东西4个典型洞口朝向的隧道,进行全天各时段及全年各月典型日的隧道洞外亮度及色温模拟计算。根据模拟结果,分析总结了隧道洞外亮度及色温的特点,并研究其日变化和年变化的规律。论文第六章对重庆市两条不同洞口朝向的隧道,进行了隧道洞外亮度及相关指标全天候(间隔1h)的现场实测,并根据实测隧道的现场情况及测试内容修正了理论模型,通过将修正后的理论模型计算结果与实测结果对比分析,验证了理论模型建立总体思路的正确性,明确了隧道洞外亮度及色温理论模型的适用范围,为该模型的合理使用和评价提供了科学依据。在3项国家自然科学基金资助项目的研究框架内,论文的主要创新点如下:1)首次提出了隧道洞外色温的概念及其确定方法,对隧道洞外光环境研究进行了补充,为今后隧道洞内外色适应方面的研究提供技术支撑。2)创新性地提出了基于辐射度学的隧道洞外亮度及色温研究方法,直接从光度学及色度学的本质出发,建立隧道洞外景物光谱辐射模型,通过“辐射-光度”和"辐射-色度”的转换来研究隧道洞外亮度及色温。并利用VBA编程建立具体的数值计算模型。3)采用CIE明视觉10°视场的光谱光视效率函数V10 (λ)和CIE 1964标准色度学系统,理论研究了 3个典型地区4个洞口朝向下,隧道洞外亮度及色温的日变化及年变化规律。 This thesis is supported by three NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) projects,"Study of Visual Theory Application in Road Tunnel Lighting Energy Saving"(Grant No. 50878217),"Study on the Luminance of Tunnel Threshold Zone Based on Drivers' Eye Adaptation"(Grant No. 50908240) and "Study of Perceived Contrast Design Method of Road Tunnel Lighting"(Grant No. 51278507). This research aimed at the beginning of design can be obtained tunnel adaptation luminance and color temperature value and the change rules. And it can provide more detailed and reliable reference data for tunnel lighting design, optimize lighting and control of each enhancing zone in tunnel, save initial investment of lighting equipment and lighting energy consumption of subsequent operation, realize tunnel lighting en ergy-savi ng. Luminosity and chromaticity are two aspects of the light environment outside the tunnel. In previous studies, scholars mainly focus on the luminosity outside tunnel, which have been more concerned about the luminance adaptation betwee n in side and outside tunnel, and lack the study of chromaticity outside tunnel, which have not yet been concerned about the color temperature adaptation between in side and outside tunnel. Therefore, this thesis first i introduced the concept of tunnel adaptation color temperature, and put forward new research method of tunnel adaptation luminance and color temperature based on radiometry according to the related theories and researches of solar radiation, atmospheric scienee, and studied the regularities of dynamic changes on this basis. It provides a theoretical basis for the improvement of tunnel lighting design standards and the practice of tunnel lighting design. Chapter 2 summarizes and defi nes con cept and determi nation method of the tunnel adaptation luminanceL20(S) and adaptation color temperature TC20(S). And it reviews the related theoretical knowledge of solar radiation, colorimetry etc, demonstrates the importance of fundamental research on tunnel adaptation color temperature, proposes spectrum luminous efficiency function of photopic 10° visual field and CIE 1964 standard colorimetric system are more appropriate for tunnel adaptation luminance and color temperature. And it provides a clear directi on and theoretical basis for subsequent research. According to site investigation, theoretical analysis and research on tunnel standards, Chapter 3 analyzes and clarifies three main influencing factors of tunnel adaptation luminance and color temperature: 1) Type and area percentage of scene outside tunnel within 20° visual field;2) Spectral power distribution of the incident daylight;3) Spectral reflectanee of scenery surface outside tunnel. Based on in-depth an alysis of these three in flue ncing factors, it determi ned the theoretical calculation model of total solar spectral irradianee on scenery surface outside tunnel, and measured spectral reflectanee characteristics of four main types of typical scenery and materials. Chapter 4 formally put forward research method of tunnel adaptation luminance and color temperature based on radiometry. From the theory of radiometry, firstly theoretical model of solar spectral irradianee has been established by using atmospheric transfer coefficient method;secondly seene spectral radianee has been calculated according to spectral reflectanee of seene outside tunnel;thirdly tunnel adaptation luminance and color temperature calculated by the conversion of "radiation to luminosity" and "radiation to chromaticityH, finally a set of tunnel adaptation luminance and color temperature theoretical models have been established. At the same time, this thesis toke typical tunnel in Chongqing, Lhasa and Urumqi three typical regions for example, and theoretically calculated the tunnel adaptation luminanee and color temperature under different states. And it analyzed and summarized the calculation results in different con ditions. Chapter 5 according to the above theoretical model, theoretically calculated the tunnel adaptation luminance and color temperature in whole day long periods mnd on typical day of each month of the year, in four typical tunnel entrance orientations in Chongqing, Lhasa and Urumqi three typical regions respectively. According to the simulation results, it analyzed and summarized the characteristics of tunnel adaptation luminance and color temperature, and studied the regularities of daily variation and annual variation. Chapter 6 measured the tunnel adaptation luminanee and related indexes of two different tunnel entrance orientations in Chongqing in whole day long periods (1h interval), and revised theoretical model according to the actual situation of two tunnels and measurement contents. Compared with the measured results and calculation results of revised theoretical model, it verified the correctness of the general idea of establishing the theoretical model, defined the application scope of theoretical model tunnel adaptation luminance and color temperature, and provided a scientific basis for the rational use and evaluation for this model. In the framework of 3 projects funded by NSFC, the main innovations of this paper.
作者 许景峰 陈仲林 XU Jingfeng;CHEN Zhonglin(School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University)
出处 《建筑实践》 2019年第2期40-41,共2页 Architectural Practice
关键词 隧道洞外亮度 隧道洞外色温 辐射度学 光谱辐射 动态变化 tunnel adaptation luminance tunnel adaptation color temperature radiometry spectral radiation dynamic changes
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