
松萝凤梨转录组测序分析 被引量:2

Analysis on Transcriptome Sequencing of Tillandsia usneoides
摘要 松萝凤梨(Tillandsia usneoides)是空气凤梨的一种,可以“生长在空气中”,主要通过叶片吸收水分和养分。为探讨松萝凤梨叶片功能的遗传基础,本研究采用高通量测序技术对其叶片进行转录组测序。总计获得了62 779条单基因簇(Unigene)。对所得Unigenes进行不同数据库注释,其中34 419条Unigenes在数据库中有注释,占总Unigenes数目的54.82%。在Nr、Nt和SwissProt数据库中,分别有7条、10条、13条Unigenes与根相关;GO数据库注释显示25 695条Unigenes分为细胞组分、分子功能及生物学过程等3大类55个功能组,其中与根相关Unigenes达到48条;KOG数据库中注释到的13 205条Unigenes功能系统分为26类;KEGG代谢通路分析表明,5 574个Unigenes涉及250条通路,其中34条Unigenes涉及景天酸代谢(CAM)途径。本研究结果为松萝凤梨分子生物学方面研究提供了一定的基础及参考。 Tillandsia usneoides(Spanish moss)is an air plant,which can'grow in the air''.It receives water and nutrients directly from the air through specialized leaves.In order to explore the genetic basis of leaf function in Tillandsia usneoides,high throughput sequencing was used to sequence the transcriptome of T.usneoides leaves.In this study,a total of 62 779 Unigenes were obtained.The Unigenes were annotated in different databases,of which 34 419 Unigenes were annotated in the database,accounting for 54.82%of the total number of Unigenes.In Nr,Nt and SwansProt databases,there were 7,10 and 13 Unigenes related to roots,respectively.GO database annotations showed that 25 695 Unigenes could be divided into three categories:cell components,molecular functions and biological processes.Among them,48 Unigenes were related to roots.13 205 Unigenes functional systems annotated in KOG database were classified into 26 categories.KEGG metabolic pathway analysis indicated that 5 574 Unigenes involved 250 pathways,of which 34 Unigenes involved crassulacean acid metabolism(CAM)pathways.This study could provide the foundation and reference for molecular biology study on T.usneoides.
作者 金亮 田丹青 詹书侠 安霞 葛亚英 王炜勇 Jin Liang;Tian Danqing;Zhan Shuxia;An Xia;Ge Yaying;Wang Weiyong(Bromeliad R&D and Promotion Center of National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture,Research & Development Centre of Flower,Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou,311202)
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期3497-3506,共10页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 浙江省自然科学基金(LY17C150005) 浙江省公益技术应用研究项目(2016C32039)共同资助
关键词 松萝凤梨 转录组 测序 基因分析 功能注释 Tillandsia usneoides Transcriptome Sequencing Gene analysis Functional annotation
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