

Status Quo,Predicaments and Countermeasures of Precision Poverty Alleviation in Yanbian County of Sichuan Province
摘要 2013年习近平总书记提出“扶贫一定要实事求是,因地制宜,要精准扶贫,切忌喊口号,也不要定好高骛远的目标。”我国扶贫模式由粗放型开始转向精准型,人民生活质量得到提高,精准扶贫工作取得阶段性胜利,但脱贫攻坚的任务仍然艰巨。四川省盐边县是一个偏远山区的贫困县,近年来,盐边县深入贯彻精准扶贫政策,通过落实建档立卡工作、建立“五个一”帮扶机制、完善社会救助体系、发展盐边县特色产业等措施,精准扶贫工作取得一定的成效。但是,扶贫工作也面临基础设施不完善、产业结构单一、扶贫队伍整体素质不高、贫困户脱贫积极性缺乏等困境。因此,针对盐边县精准扶贫工作存在的问题提出加大基础设施建设、多产业协调发展、培养贫困户脱贫的内生动力、重视扶贫队伍建设等对策,以此更好打赢脱贫攻坚战役,为全国减贫事业提供案例。 In 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed:“Poverty alleviation must be practical and realistic, should be adapted according to local conditions, it must focus on poverty alleviation, avoid shouting slogans, and do not set a ridiculously high goal beyond our reach.” China's poverty alleviation model has shifted from extensive to precise, and people's quality of life has been improved. Poverty alleviation has achieved a staged victory, but the task of getting rid of poverty is still arduous. Yanbian County of Sichuan Province is a poverty-stricken county in a remote mountainous area. In recent years, Yanbian County has thoroughly implemented the policy of ensuring poverty alleviation and achieved desirable effects by means of establishing archival systems, it established a “five-one” assistance mechanism, improved the social assistance system, and stimulated the growth of local specialty industry. However, poverty alleviation work also faces difficulties such as insufficient infrastructure, singular industrial structure, low overall quality of poverty alleviation teams, and the lack of enthusiasm for poverty-stricken families. Therefore, in response to the problems existing in the precision poverty alleviation of Yanbian County, this paper proposes the strengthening of infrastructure construction, coordinated development of multiple industries, stimulating the endogenous motivation of poverty-stricken families in getting rid of poverty, attaching importance to the construction of poverty alleviation teams in order to win the battle against poverty and provide examples for the nation's poverty reduction cause.
作者 李学林 杨诗雨 LI Xuelin;YANG Shiyu(School of Marxism,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan)
出处 《攀枝花学院学报》 2019年第4期30-36,共7页 Journal of Panzhihua University
基金 2015年度国家社会科学基金项目“邓小平生态文明建设思想及其当代价值研究”(15XKS002)
关键词 盐边县 精准扶贫工作 现状 困境与对策 Yanbian County precise poverty alleviation status quo predicament and countermeasures
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