
走出还原论的泥坑——试论核心素养的整体性及其意义 被引量:17

Walking Out of the Mud of Reductionism: On the Integrity of Key Competence and its Significance
摘要 教学变革的背景下,理论与实践界存在着用“核心素养有什么”来回答“核心素养是什么”的还原论思维倾向,引发了核心素养理解的要素、表现与实体性思维等种种误区。核心素养是面对复杂情境,运用知识、技能、态度解决问题的能力,这一内涵蕴含着整合性、整体性的理解思路。理解核心素养的整体性,将有助于澄清核心素养与其要素、表现的区别与联系,从而凸显核心素养自身的内涵,并有助于理解核心素养培育的复杂性,凸显讲授法的限度,为创新培育方式提供新的思路。 There was a tendency to think it in a reductive way in the theoretical and practical circles which is to answer the question of "what is key competence" with "what do key competencies have". This leaded to the misunderstanding of the elements, performance and entity thinking of key competence. Key Competencies is the ability and practice to use knowledge, skills and attitude to solve problems in the face of complex situations, which contains the idea of integration and integrity. Understanding the integrity of key competence will clarify the differences and connections between key competence and its elements and performance and highlight the connotation of key competence itself. It will be beneficial to the understanding of the complexity of the development of key competence for uncovering the limits of lecturing method. It also provides new ideas for key competence development.
作者 张良 余宏亮 Zhang Liang;Yu Hongliang(Faculty of education,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715;People's Education Press,Beijing 100081)
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期48-52,共5页 Research in Educational Development
基金 中央高校重大创新团队项目“基础教育课程改革的国际比较与本土理论建构研究”的部分成果
关键词 核心素养 还原论 整体性 key competence reductionism integrity
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