
2017年上海市百日咳监测病例流行病学特征分析 被引量:16

Epidemiologic characteristics of pertussis cases detected in Shanghai, 2017
摘要 目的了解上海市2017年百日咳流行病学特征,为上海市的百日咳防控工作提供参考依据。方法利用上海市2017年的百日咳监测数据,包括通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统获得的百日咳确诊病例的个案信息以及区疾病预防控制中心上报的确诊病例以及监测病例的个案调查资料。运用描述性方法进行分析。结果2017年全市6家监测点医院共报告258例百日咳监测病例。发病高峰出现在8-9月;<18月龄占50.00%,≥20岁占41.47%;男女性别比为1∶1.28;上海市户籍与外地户籍比例为1∶1.29;全市75%的区有病例报告;5月龄至14岁的病例中50%以上的儿童已接种至少3剂含百日咳成分的疫苗。咳后吐、咳时青紫、鸡鸣回声等百日咳典型症状的占比较低,均<30%。有咳嗽症状的密切接触者中≥20岁成年人占71.88%。病例的鼻咽拭子PCR检测阳性率为30.50%;血清PT-IgG抗体检测阳性率为41.07%。结论2017年上海市通过建立百日咳监测点医院大幅提高了监测敏感性。监测病例中百日咳典型症状出现占比较低、有免疫史的占比较高,建议调整百日咳诊断标准中百日咳疑似病例的病例定义,并逐步规范临床医生的诊断意识。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of pertussis in Shanghai in 2017 and to provide evidence for the development of pertussis prevention and control measures.Methods The incidence data of pertussis in Shanghai in 2017 were collected from national notifiable diseases registry system(NNDRS)and district CDCs in Shanghai for a descriptive analysis.Results In 2017,a total of 258 pertussis cases were reported by 6 sentinel hospitals in Shanghai.The incidence peak was during August-September.The cases in age groups<18 months and≥20 years accounted for 50.00%and41.47%respectively.The male to female ratio of the cases was 1∶1.28.The ratio of cases with local residence to cases without local residence was 1∶1.29.The cases were distributed in 75%of the districts in Shanghai.More than 50%cases aged 5 months-14 years received at least 3 doses of pertussis-containing vaccines.The incidence rates of typical symptoms of vomiting,cyanosis or inspiratory stridor were all<30%.Among the close contacts with symptom of cough,the adults aged≥20 years accounted for 71.88%.The positive rate of nasopharyngeal swab detection in PCR was 30.50%,while the positive rate of PTIgG was 41.07%.Conclusion The sensitivity of pertussis surveillance in Shanghai was greatly improved in 2017 due to the efforts of sentinel hospitals.Less cases showed typical symptoms of pertussis,a high proportion of cases had vaccination history.It is suggested revise the case definition of probable case of pertussis and improve the diagnosis of pertussis.
作者 任佳 胡家瑜 王静 李智 李崇山 黄卓英 郭翔 杨建萍 孙晓冬 Ren Jia;Hu Jiayu;Wang Jing;Li Zhi;Li Chongshan;Huang Zhuoying;Guo Xiang;Yang Jianping;Sun Xiaodong(Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shanghai 200336,China)
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS 2019年第5期417-421,共5页 Disease Surveillance
基金 上海市第四轮公共卫生三年行动计划(No.15GWZK010)~~
关键词 百日咳 监测点医院 流行病学特征 Pertussis Sentinel hospital Epidemiologic characteristics
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