
基于节点社会性的无线网络编码传输策略研究 被引量:3

Wireless network coding transmission strategy based on nodal sociality
摘要 延迟容忍网络是一种缺乏持续连接的新型网络体系结构,选择合适的转发节点是实现延迟容忍网络高效的转发和投递消息的关键问题。由于节点移动性和网络拓扑动态变化等会对延迟容忍网络的传输效率产生影响,提出了一种基于节点社会性和利用随机线性网络编码的DTN模型NSNC-DTN。NSNC-DTN模型利用网络中的社团结构、社团紧密度以及节点活跃度,选择出最合适的转发节点。离线计算节点的社会性,对源节点和center节点进行随机线性网络编码,在线完成转发,从而达到高效转发和投递的目的。仿真结果表明NSNC-DTN能够有效地提高信息投递成功率,减小端对端的网络延迟和网络开销。 Delay tolerant network(DTN) is a new network architecture which lacks continuous connectivity, choosing the appropriate forwarding node is a key of efficient forwarding and delivery. Due to the dynamic change of node mobility and network topology affect the transmission efficiency of DTN, this paper proposed a new DTN model NSNC-DTN based on nodal sociality and random linear network coding. NSNC-DTN model chose the most appropriate forwarding node by the community structure, the similarity of community and activity of the nodes in the network. It calculated nodal sociality in offline mode and used random linear network coding for source nodes and center nodes, implements messages forwarding online to reach the goal of efficient forwarding and delivery. The simulation result shows that NSNC-DTN model can effectively improve the success rate of information delivery and reduce network delay and network overhead.
作者 张晓军 李领治 朱艳琴 Zhang Xiaojun;Li Lingzhi;Zhu Yanqin(School of Computer Science & Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou Jiangsu 215006, China)
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期2104-2107,2119,共5页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61373164,61672370)
关键词 延迟容忍网络 社团发现 网络编码 数据转发 delay-tolerant network community detection network coding data forwarding
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