
集中式饮用水水源地水质安全评估和保护对策研究——以海南省昌江县为例 被引量:1

Research on Water Quality Safety Assessment and Protection Countermeasures for Drinking Water Sources in Changjiang County,Hainan Province
摘要 开展水源地水质安全评估工作,对切实保护人民群众饮水安全具有重要意义。以海南省昌江县为例,通过收集水源地近3a(2014—2016年)水质数据,具体包括3个水库型水源地(石碌水库、山竹沟水库及新田水库)及4个河流型水源地(石碌河、七差河、南苗河和峨沟河),对水质现状、变化趋势进行了分析和评估,探讨了水质超标原因及存在的问题。结果表明,石碌水库水质较好,符合《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅱ类水质标准,为中营养状态;山竹沟水库处于中营养与轻度富营养之间,超标污染物为总氮等;新田水库水质较差,已处于轻—中度富营养化状态,超标污染物为总氮、CODMn、粪大肠菌群等;河流型水源地中,石碌河和七差河水质较好,符合《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅱ类水质标准,南苗河和峨沟河水质存在一定程度的污染,超标污染物为总氮、总磷等。针对水源地存在的问题,从农村生活污水防治、农业面源污染以及畜禽养殖污染控制、工业污染削减方面提出了水源地水质改善措施。 It is of great significance to carry out the assessment of water quality safety in water sources to effectively protect people's drinking water safety. In this paper,water quality data of the water source area in recent three years(from 2014 to 2016)was collected to analyze and evaluate the status,trends,and spatial distribution of water quality in the water source area. The problems and causes of water quality exceeding the standard water source were also discussed. The results show that Shilu Reservoir has good water quality and meets Class II water requirements of Surface Water Environment Quality Standards. It is in the state of medium nutrition and meets the water quality requirements of the water source protection ar. ea. The Shanzhugou Reservoir is between the middle nutrition and the mild eutrophication and exceeds the standard. Pollut. ants are total nitrogen,total phosphorus,etc.;Xintian Reservoir has poor water quality and is in a light-to-moderate eutro. phication state. Excess pollutants are total nitrogen,total phosphorus,CODMn,fecal coliforms,etc.;river-type water sources In the middle,the Shilu River and Qiqihe River have good water quality and meet the Class II water requirements of Surface Water Environment Quality Standards. The water quality of Nanmiaohe and Luogou rivers were polluted to a cer. tain extent,and the exceeding pollutants are total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Finally,according to the problems exist. ing in the water source area,measures for improving the water quality of water sources were proposed from the aspects of prevention and control of rural domestic sewage,agricultural non-point source pollution,pollution control of livestock and poultry,and reduction of industrial pollution.
作者 徐臣松 曾德升 冯崇青 赵日臻 王灵南 XU Chen-song;ZENG De-sheng;FENG Chong-qing;ZHAO Ri-zhen;WANG Ling-nan(Ecological and Environmental Protection Bureau of Changjiang County,Changjiang 572700,China)
出处 《海河水利》 2019年第3期19-23,共5页 Haihe Water Resources
关键词 饮用水 水源地 水质 安全评估 保护对策 drinking water water source area water quality safety assessment protection measures
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