
改良Miccoli手术治疗甲状腺良性结节的疗效分析 被引量:1

Efficacy of modified miccoli surgery for benign thyroid nodules
摘要 目的探析在甲状腺良性疾病治疗中改良Miccoli手术与传统开放甲状腺手术的效果。方法选取东莞市厚街医院2016年1月至2019年1月期间收治的甲状腺良性疾病患者中80例为研究对象,根据手术方式的不同将患者进行分组,传统开放甲状腺手术治疗的患者52例为对照组,改良Miccoli手术治疗的患者28例为观察组。对两组手术情况于术后并发症发生情况进行观察。结果在手术时间、切口长度与住院时间对比上,观察组均短于对照组,且观察组术中出血量更少,以上数据经检验差异P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义;但在术后并发症发生率比较上,两组数据经检验无显著差异P>0.05无统计学意义。结论改良Miccoli手术具有创伤小以及住院时间等优势,有利于术后患者身心状态及手术切口的恢复,值得临床加大应用力度。 Objective To investigate the effect of modified Miccoli surgery and traditional open thyroid surgery in the treatment of benign thyroid diseases. Methods Eighty patients with benign thyroid diseases admitted to dongguan houjie hospital from January 2016 to January 2019 were selected as the study subjects. Patients were divided into groups according to different surgical methods. 52 patients treated with traditional open thyroid surgery were selected as the control group, and 28 patients treated with modifi ed Miccoli surgery were selected as the observation group. The postoperative complications of the two groups were observed. Results In terms of operation time, incision length and hospitalization time, the observation group was shorter than the control group, and the amount of intraoperative blood loss was lower in the observation group. However, there was no signifi cant difference in the incidence of postoperative complications between the two groups. P > 0.05 was not statistically significant. Conclusion The modifi ed Miccoli surgery has the advantages of small trauma and length of stay, which is conducive to the postoperative physical and mental state of patients and the recovery of surgical incision, and is worthy of clinical application.
作者 郭慧 陈旭生 万德培 GUO Hui;CHEN Xu-sheng;WAN De-pei(Department of Thoracic and Thoracic Surgery, Houjie Hospital, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523900)
出处 《临床普外科电子杂志》 2019年第2期31-34,共4页 Journal of General Surgery for Clinicians(Electronic Version)
关键词 改良Miccoli手术 传统开放甲状腺手术 甲状腺良性疾病 Modified Miccoli surgery Traditional open thyroid surgery Benign thyroid disease
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