
城市的生物多样性与环境——以日本城市与近郊的鸟类指标为例 被引量:10

Biodiversity and Environment in Cities——A Case Study of Birds in Urban and Suburban Areas of Japan
摘要 20世纪50年代中期,日本迎来经济的高速成长,城市与郊区的环境不断恶化,随之而来的是生物栖息地的减少或消失,导致生物多样性急剧下降。在20世纪70年代中期经济增长趋于稳定之后,这种趋势仍在继续,城市环境不再是生物理想的生存空间,这是生态系统服务低下的原因之一。但是政府、民间及居民意识的觉醒,促使大家减少环境污染,重新审视城市环境。在此之上,不断推进城市绿化的保护和新建工作,环境得以改善。处于生态金字塔上层的物种鸟类是反映生物多样性状况的一个要素,本文围绕其展开调查,得出是鸟类正在返回城市地区的结果。生物多样性正在不断恢复的城市,其环境的改善使得生物开始回归,生物多样性也逐步提升。但这种结果只能说明目前的现状,还需要继续深入研究的基础上探索未来城市绿化的发展。 In Japan, the environmental degradation in the urban and urban fringe area advanced from rapid economic growth to begin at the mid-1950s. The environmental aggravation such as large-scale development of the city with little consideration of environment, air pollution and the noise and so on had a big influence at the biological diversity. The habitation space of the creature is decreased or disappeared, and biological diversity suddenly is decreased. This tendency continued after stability of the economic growth of the mid-1970s. The environment of the urban area was not desirable space for the creatures. In addition, it decreased the ecosystem service. However, this problem lies in administration and private consciousness, and improves the consciousness of inhabitants and the reduction of the pollution, as well as the maintenance and creation of the urban greening advanced, and the environment of the urban area was improved. The investigation is mainly on the birds which are at high rank class of the ecological pyramid to grasp the situation of the biological diversity. As a result, it is revealed that birds return to the urban area. At first it is necessary to perform an investigation committee of the present conditions well before planning improvement of the green open space in the urban and urban fringe area. Various actions are necessary to keep and protect the biological diversity of the urban landscape in good condition. It is necessary to think about an expanse of patch on the green open space to promote habitation and tie it to green corridor, while this patch and the situation of the tree planting of the space except the corridor is named the matrix space. For example, if a park is with the patch, then it may include the space of a street tree or the urban river in the corridor. Importance of the green networking of those green open space is utilized to get rid of division on thinking about creature habitation. This utilizes green open space of the park well, and it is vital to secure the quality of biological diversity. Therefore, this investigation used the birds as a tool, and investigated about the grasp of actual condition and the quantity and quality of the green open space on urban and urban fringe area. It investigates the way on the green open space. As for the biological diversity, it is revealed that “the current maintenance, conservation and improvement of the quality of the green open space” and “the security characteristics and the creation of a new green open space” are important. For example, as for the increase of green roof planting in the central urban area, But there is the problem of the quality with this green roof. As well as the green quantity of the urban area, it is important to improve its quality. In addition, the environment including the green open space of merely urban is improved, and is not only treasure. The reason why a creature returns to urban may lies in the creation of environment. It is revealed that biological diversity is restored. As for the result of this environmental improvement, a creature recurs in the urban, and the biological diversity will be improved. But this result only shows the present conditions. Thus, the continued investigations is necessary. In addition, it is thought that the quality of the biological diversity of the urban area improves when birds recur. The turn it over, and it is necessary to confirm that how the situation of the biological diversity of broad-based neighboring levels except the urban and the urban neighboring turns out. Possibly birds moves because those environments becomes bad, or the creature may merely do strategic expansion in habitation area. As for future investigations, it is necessary for what kind of environment is good for biological diversity from the present conditions of a green open space and the farmland in the urban and urban fringe area and the relations with birds. In other words, it is necessary to investigate what kind of directionality the good environment is for urban inhabitants. In addition, this is an investigation that contributes to biological diversity service. It will be necessary to arrange considerable contents while adding such a point. The biological diversity consists of delicate balance. It is the stage of the accumulation about these studies now. Continued investigations will be necessary in the future. From the perspective of the urban landscape planning design and the landscape ecology, the accumulation for policies for future biological diversity is necessary in urban landscape and urban fringe landscape.
作者 福井亘 FUKUI Wataru
出处 《西部人居环境学刊》 2019年第3期8-18,共11页 Journal of Human Settlements in West China
关键词 生物多样性 环境 鸟类 绿色开放空间 斑块 廊道 基质 城市景观 Biodiversity, Environment Bird Green Open Space Patch Corridor Matrix Urban Landscape
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