
乡土营建——黔东南侗寨木结构传统民居的结构构件解析 被引量:7

Local Construction——The Analysis of the Structural Elements of Traditional Residence’s Wooden Structure of Dong Villages in Southeastern Guizhou
摘要 黔东南侗寨木结构传统民居营建技艺是千百年来民间匠人智慧的积淀,是中华民族民间智慧的宝库。本文以田野调查为基础,通过访谈、实测,分析总结了黔东南侗寨传统木结构民居的空间构成、结构构件,重点对主要结构构件如榀架系统、梁枋系统、屋面系统及关键联系构件榫卯的类型、尺寸、拼接方式进行了解析,以期为后续的研究奠定切实的信息基础,对传承民间营建智慧、推动当地传统村落的保护具有深远意义。 Chinese traditional wooden residential dwellings and its mortise and tenon joints technique, accumulated by millions craftsmen during thousands of years, are precious treasures to Chinese nation. Unfortunately, these crafts are becoming obsolete as time goes on, therefore, the inheritance of them is significant. This thesis takes this problem as an opportunity to start the study of Dong villages’ traditional residence’s wooden structure in Southeastern of Guizhou. In order to summary the local dwellings space formations and structural systems, based on the field investigation, we researched several classical local dwellings, measured the structural components and had interviews with local craftsmen. Through these researches, we had found out the methods of joints, summed the types of mortise and tenon joints and the relationship between these structural components’ sizes. In general, Southeastern Guizhou’s wooden residential dwellings structure design is based on the sizes of China fir trees which the craftsmen could get. As a result, the size of the timber decides all the structural components’ size and the stability of the whole dwelling. A complete local dwelling could be divided into three parts as sloping roof, house body and “Chusha”, a kind of wing with single slope roof located on both sides of the facade. Based on the column net, the plane space could be divided into several types such as: two widths four depths, three widths four depths, five widths four depths and so on. This thesis takes the traditional three widths four depths dwelling as an instance to unfold the analysis. Concretely, Southeastern Guizhou’s traditional residential dwellings’ main structures are formed by vertical frame system, horizontal girder system, slope roof system and other structures such as wooden walls and doors. So the pressure goes from the slope roof system through the frame system and finally to the ground. The vertical frame system called “Pinjia”(a kind of two-dimensional frame system) is the most important structure system in the Southeastern Guizhou’s traditional residential dwelling. It is a type of traditional Chinese through-jointed frame method and is formed by the center column, said column, davit, short column and square-column called “Paifang”. Besides, the whole dwelling is combined by the main house and the wings, so the “Pinjia” could be divided into the main Pinjia and the wing Pinjia. In order to make the dwelling damp-proof and rainproof, the main “Pinjia” is built like an upside-down ladder shape, each floor of the dwelling has a few distance of overhanging. The wing Pinjia is similar to the main Pinjia, but the main Pinjia has a complete triangle to braces the roof and the wing Pinjia only has a half right-triangle. Pinjia’s most complex structure are the joints of the short column, square-column and other nomal columns, and there is a computation rules between these three structures’ spaces. The square-column system is the horizontal structure system, it includes several beams like structures called “Paifang(aforementioned squarecolumn)”“Jianfang”“Difang”“Chushuifang”“Guojianfang” and other horizontal structure called “Loulenzi”“Loulenban” and floor. From top to bottom, these structures’ order is: floor,“Loulenzi” or “Jianfang”,“Loulenban”,“Paifang”. The sloping roof system is combined by purlins, rafters and tiles. For the different positions, the purlins could be divided into two types, they are ridge purlin called “Daliang” and other normal purlins. All these structures are based on the size of the timbers. Finally, the mortise and tenon joints are the key joints of the Southeastern Guizhou’s traditional wooden residential dwelling. These dwelling uses no nails, and they are all fixed by the mortise and tenon joints. Through the researches, there are five main types of mortise and tenon joints in the Southeastern Guizhou’s traditional wooden residential dwelling called “Yuanyangsun”“Longtousun”“Shizisun”“Yingsun” and “Yanweisun”, besides, they could have hook or plug, called “Niubishuan”, or not.
作者 黄梅 谢斯斯 詹林鑫 HUANG Mei;XIE Sisi;ZHAN Linxin
出处 《西部人居环境学刊》 2019年第3期110-116,共7页 Journal of Human Settlements in West China
基金 住建部软科学研究项目(2015-R2-065) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51808425)联合资助
关键词 木结构传统民居 结构构件 榫卯 乡土营建 黔东南侗寨 Wooden Structural Traditional Residence Structural Elements Mortise and Tenon Joint Local Construction Dong Villages in Southeastern Guizhou
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