

Study on the Design of Emergency Command Function of Instant Communication Software
摘要 对于应急指挥,多使用专用视频会议终端实现指挥命令下达与信息收集。将即时通信应用引入应急指挥领域,可进一步提高应急指挥效果。因此,给出了一种即时通信软件应急指挥功能设计方法,对应用即时通信软件进行应急指挥的优缺点进行了分析,构建了应急指挥即时通信命令发送体系,明确了信息上报流程,提出了基于数据挖掘的智慧助手理念,并对信息互动规则进行了定义。 At the emergency command level,most of them use special video conference terminals to issue command orders and collect information. How to introduce the application of instant messaging into the field of emergency command has become a research topic. This paper presents a design method of emergency command function of instant messaging software, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of using instant messaging software for emergency command,constructs an instant messaging command sending system for emergency command,and defines the information reporting process. The concept of intelligent assistant based on data mining is proposed,and information interaction rules are defined.
作者 宁玉辉 赵国华 郭志华 张跃斌 NING Yu-hui;ZHAO Guo-hua;GUO Zhi-hua;ZHANG Yue-bin(Shandong Civil Air Defense Information Support Center,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《通信电源技术》 2019年第6期136-137,共2页 Telecom Power Technology
关键词 应急指挥 即时通信 功能设计 emergency command instant messaging function design
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