Hypertension 10.5%, stroke 6.6%, asthma 5%, COPD 4%, diabetes mellitus 1.3%, cancer 1%, coronary heart disease 0.5%. In Cipunagara Health Center at 2016, the number of NCD (non-communicable disease) was 1,098 cases and 53.6% cases were hypertension. Research purpose was to prove risk factor of hypertension in Cipunagara Health Center, Subang district at year 2017. Materials and methode: Research applied, crossectional, sample 61 respondents, incidental sampling, one day in Cipunagara and analyzed descriptive and analytic correlation. Results: 85.2% hypertension and complication, 14.8% diabetes mellitus, age ≥ 60 year 52.5%, women 73.8%, elementary level education 93.4%, housewife 54.1%, farmer 39.3%, genetic 75.4 %, smoking 23.0%, alcohol 24.6%, less activity 82%, less fruit and vegetables 80.3%, high salt consumption more than 1 tablespoon 68.9%, high caloric consumption 52.5%, good manage stress 73.8%, obesity 59%, abdominal sircumference normal 70.5%. Correlation results showed only salt consumption was significant and other variables included in model regression smoking, alcohol, stress, calory, activity. Final model of regression salt consumption p 0.019, OR 6.693, 95% CI.1.374-32.612, R216%;caloric consumption p 0.099, OR 0.229, 95% CI 0.040-1.322, R28%. Conclusions: non-communicable diseases risk factor was highest consumption salt and calory has contributed 24 %. Suggestions: reduced salt and calory consumption, salt engineering for reduce hypertension.