

A Consistency Checking Method for Line Targets in the Multi-scale Map Based on Grid
摘要 多尺度矢量地图数据之间的不一致性问题严重影响着用户的空间认知,妨碍了地理数据产品作用的正常发挥。由于线要素是地图数据中最主要的组成部分,因此线目标的一致性检查在矢量地图数据质量检查中显得尤为重要。如何维护不同尺度线目标之间的一致性成为国内外学者面临的重要课题。本文提出了一种基于格网的线目标一致性检查方法,能够判断多尺度矢量地图数据线目标的匹配情况,可用于地图数据质量检查及错漏更正。实验证明,该方法合理可行,执行效率高,能够用于地图数据生产实践。 The inconsistency of multi-scale vector map data seriously affects the spatial cognition of users and interferes with the normal function of geographic data products. Since the line element is the most important part of map data, tlie consistency check for the line object is of particular significance in the quality check of vector map data. How to maintain the consistency among line objects of different scales has become an important issue for scholars at home and abroad. A grid-based consistency checking method is presented to estimate the matching situation of line objects in multi-scale vector maps and check the quality of map data and correct errors. It has been proved that the algorithm is reasonable, feasible and highly efficient. It can be applied to map data production practice.
作者 于永华 吴芳华 王磊 丁玲 Yu Yonghua;Wu Fanghua;Wang Lei;Ding Ling(Space Systems Equipment Department,Beijing 100001,China;Xi’an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping,Xi’an 710054,China;Stale Key Laboratory of Geo-Information Engineering,Xi’an 710054,China;Xi’an Aerospace Remote Sensing Data Technology Co. Ltd.,Xi’an 710061,China)
出处 《测绘科学与工程》 2018年第6期69-72,78,共5页 Geomatics Science and Engineering
基金 国家973计划资助项目(613317)。
关键词 线要素 多尺度 矢量地图数据 一致性 格网 line element multi-scale vector map data consistency grid
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