Engels once said that human beings began to use fire to gradually distance themselves from animals, learn to make fire by friction and preserve fire species is a great improvement of human's ability to control nature. The use of fire in Anti-social Forest Theory makes it possible for human beings to make various crafts, such as pottery, copper and iron smelting, etc. So the use of fire is a tool for human development. It is of great significance. Pottery was the earliest pottery that was successfully fired and used to hold food in water. From the Neolithic Age, people gradually fired colored pottery, black pottery and painted pottery. After Shang and Zhou Dynasties, original pottery began to be fired. Since then, pottery and pottery have developed almost at the same time and continue to this day. It can be said that ceramics are the most intimate objects in human life. Ceramics have many advantages. They are not as heavy as bronzes or as easy to rust as iron. Therefore, human beings make ceramics into various daily necessities, crafts and works of art. The plasticity of ceramics becomes possible to make various shapes and decorations. In the Neolithic Age, human beings drew totems on pottery, which will be self-contained. The animals and plants in nature are abstractly depicted on pottery, which is the color pottery. The color pottery is an outstanding creation of Chinese ancient arts and crafts. By using the earth in nature to create ceramic materials for daily use, human beings begin to realize the necessity of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The author is also an advocate of respecting all things in nature, and attaches importance to depicting all things in nature through ceramics. My feelings depend on this.
Sheng BingHua(Sheng Binghua Ceramic Art Studio, Jingdezhen,333000)
Ceramic Studies
ceramic material
animals and plants