The roots, trunk and branches processes occurring in the water is not transported by direct observation,with no visibility. In this paper, the research method to ring as the basic starting point, the birch, linden tree Water Transportation conducted a study using the "trunk pointing directional stain" technique, which uses dye labeling method to track the f low of sap marked. Observe birch, linden day variations of sap f low rate of discovery: Stem Flow rate fluctuations during the day a large linden tree, peaked at around 12:00. Diurnal variation of birch sap flow velocity of more stable performance, in 9:00: 00 ~ 10: 00 about maximum. Stem flow rate of birch and linden trees at noon were brief "siesta" phenomenon. Birch, linden tree at 15:00 and 17:00 were two small peaks. Meanwhile two species stem the flow rate is rate began to decline rapidly after 17:00. Research on stem the flow rate of birch and linden trees found in the stream at night still weak presence, trends gently. By truncating wood staining results showed that: water delivery capacity birch newborn ring is stronger than the old ring. Freshmen old linden tree rings and rings Water Transportation substantially the same ability. Under the premise of direct observation with the naked eye, not between birch and linden tree rings and rings(or have less) transverse transporting water. Water Birch same ring within the lateral diffusion phenomenon is more obvious, the lateral diffusion of water within the linden tree in the same ring is not very obvious;longitudinal transporting water to the ring as a unit birch and linden trees are presented straight, spiral form transport from the root up.
Science and Technology Innovation Herald
Water Transportation
Stem the flow rate