
日本的全球经济治理观及其实践 被引量:6

Global Economic Governance: Japan’s Approach and Practice
摘要 国际金融危机爆发后,全球经济治理体系进入深度改革与急速调整阶段。在此背景下,单边主义与保护主义在全球泛起,双边及多边经贸合作框架不断涌现弱化了以WTO为基础的全球自由贸易秩序,而美国挑起的中美经贸摩擦等均成为阻碍全球经济治理体系改革的主要困扰因素。受自身“政治大国”追求的驱动,同时也基于填补政治空白、开辟中日博弈新疆域以及形成“以外促内”倒逼机制等多方面战略考虑,日本积极参与并试图引领全球经济治理体系改革进程,同时也试图植入“日本式经济治理观”。为此,日本在全球规则制定层面多维度出击,组建日美欧经贸“铁三角”,试图通过小多边合作,引领制定自由贸易新规则;主动引领并积极推进区域性经济合作安排,做大自身参与全球经济治理体系改革的基本盘与支撑面;构建内外联动机制,为推动及引领全球经济治理体系改革提供创新性要素和动力。受此影响,在国际经贸新规则制定等问题上,日本未来与包括中国在内的国家间的主导权之争将趋于激烈,对此需要从中美日大三角及全球经济发展环境的大背景下综合考量,审慎应对。 After the outbreak of the international financial crisis, the global economic governance system has entered an important stage of deep reform and rapid adjustment. However, the rise of unilateralism and protectionism, the emergence of bilateral and multilateral economic and trade cooperation frameworks, which are weakening the global free trade order based on WTO, and the Sino-U.S. economic and trade frictions, have become the main strategic dilemmas hindering the reform of the global economic governance system. Against the background, driven by its dream of being a “geopolitical power,” as well as many strategic considerations, such as filling the political space left by the Sino-U.S. contest, opening up a new frontier for Sino-Japanese competition, and forming an inverted mechanism of “promoting the internal with the external” and so on, Japan actively exerts its strategic autonomy, participates in and attempts to lead the reform process of the global economic governance system, hoping that it will “enhance efficiency” and that the Japanese approach to global economic governance will be embedded or partly reflected as the core principle in the future governance system. Therefore, Japan has launched a multidimensional work at the level of global rule-making, including the G20 and WTO, in order to demonstrate Japan's positive attitude toward cooperation, openness and firm determination to lead the discussion and development of issues;worked with the United States and Europe in leading the formulation and revision of new rules for free trade;actively led and promoted regional economic cooperation agreements to expand its basic and supporting areas for participating in the reform of the global economic governance system;and actively promoted the structural reform of Japan's economic system and built internal and external linkage mechanism to provide innovative elements and motivation for promoting and leading the reform of global economic governance system. In such context, the future competition between China and Japan will become increasingly fierce, especially in the formulation of new regulations.
作者 陈友骏 CHEN Youjun
出处 《国际展望》 CSSCI 2019年第4期135-151,157-158,共19页 Global Review
基金 国家社科基金一般项目《冷战后日本经济外交战略与中日关系研究》(18BGJ008)的阶段性成果
关键词 全球经济治理改革 日本式全球经济治理观 中日竞争与合作 global economic governance reform Japanese approach Sino-Japanese competition
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