

The Evolution of the Literary Narration of Overseas Chinese Students in the 70 Years of New China
摘要 中华人民共和国成立70年来中国留学生的文学叙事,随经济、政治、社会环境的变化而产生阶段性的变化。经由中国留学苏联的学生传播而来的叙事文类和风格,曾在改革开放之前的中国大陆占据文坛主流,但其中的留学生因素却长期被忽视,而"早晨八九点钟的太阳"则成为影响广泛的由中国留学生而来的文学修辞。郭沫若、冰心等老一辈的归国留学生热情拥抱新中国,自觉或不自觉地归化新的社会体制和文学制度,他们回望旧中国,讴歌新中国,显现出了记忆与现实融混的特征。"留学生文学"诞生以来,内涵得到了扩充和发展,出身留学生而旅居海外的华裔汉学家的文学书写由"无根的一代"留学生形象起步而广受青睐。随着改革开放以后"留学热"的兴起,海外新移民华文文学成为留学生叙事的主要类型,新移民华文文学语境下的中国留学生文学叙事,艺术风格日趋多元化,所涉及的国别和题材愈益丰富多样,成功进入国外主流文坛的留学生叙事也日益增多。进入21世纪以来的中国留学生文学叙事,目光不只局限于留学生群体自身,而是拓宽到社会各方面,其思考更加深广。随着传媒技术的发展、媒体融合度的提高、信息渠道的更加通畅、互联网通信技术的更加发达、国际交通的更加便捷,跨媒体、跨国境、跨时空叙事成为留学生文学叙事的新特征。同时,21世纪的中国留学生文学往往在国外创作而流返国内传播,呈现出了"墙外开花墙内香"的跨界与归返。回顾70年来的中国留学生文学叙事,已成为中外交流的一个窗口和渠道,并带来了外国的叙事方法、叙事技巧,因由"屏隔"而产生美感,可借助吸取了阐释学和叙事学之长的"屏隔美学"详加析读。 The literary narrative of overseas Chinese students in the past 70 years has changed in stages with the changes in the economic,political and social environments.The narrative genre and style disseminated by Chinese students studying in the Soviet Union once occupied the mainstream of the literary world in China's Mainland before the reform and opening-up,but the factors of students studying abroad have been ignored for a long time,and "the morning sun at 8 or 9" has become the wide-influenced literary rhetoric which was originated from overseas Chinese students.Guo Moruo,Bing Xin and other returned overseas students of the older generation enthusiastically embraced the new China and consciously or unconsciously naturalized the new social system and literary system.They looked back at the old China and eulogized the new China,showing the characteristics of mixing memory with reality.Since the birth of "the overseas Chinese students' literature",the connotation has been expanded and developed.The literary writings of Chinese sinologists who have been studying abroad and are living abroad have been widely favored,which started from the images of the overseas students of "the rootless generation".With the rise of the "craze of studying abroad" after the reform and opening-up,the new immigrants' Chinese literature born in the new period has become the main type of narrative for overseas Chinese students.The literary narrative of overseas Chinese students in the context of new immigrants' Chinese literature has been increasingly diversified in artistic style,the countries and subject matters involved in are becoming rich and diverse,and the narration of overseas Chinese students that has successfully entered the foreign main stream literature has also increased.Since the beginning of the 21st century,the narration of overseas Chinese students has been not only limited to the group of overseas students themselves,but broadened to all aspects of society,and its thinking has become more profound.With the development of media technology,the improvement of media integration,the more unobstructed information channels,the more advanced internet communication technology,and the more convenient international transportation,cross-media,cross-border,cross-time-and-space narratives have become the new features of the literary narration of overseas students.At the same time,overseas Chinese students' literature in the 21st century is often created abroad and spread back in China,showing the characteristics of transboundary and return,which is just like "blooming outside the wall,but the fragrance inside the wall".Reviewing the literary narration of overseas Chinese students in the past 70 years,it has become a window and channel for the exchanges between China and foreign countries,and has brought foreign narrative methods and narrative techniques into China.Because a sense of beauty can be gained from "screen separation","screen separation aesthetics",which absorbs the highlights of hermeneutic and narratology,can help to understand and analyze the text.
作者 李诠林 LI Quan-lin(College of Chinese Language and Literature,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou Fujian 350007,China)
出处 《北京教育学院学报》 2019年第3期10-18,共9页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Education
基金 2015年度国家自然科学基金项目“社会记忆下台湾居民身份想象及其空间行为分异研究”(41571142) 国家民族事务委员会项目“两岸历史文献中的台湾少数民族形象研究”(2018-GMB-051)
关键词 当代文学 新中国70年 留学生文学叙事 新移民华文文学 contemporary literature 70 years of new China literary narration of overseas students new immigrants' Chinese literature
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