
美国中等教育“普职一体”的实现形式及其启示 被引量:2

The Realization Form and its Enlightenment of the “Integration of General Education and Vocational Education” in American Secondary Education
摘要 美国中等教育阶段的“普职一体”是通过综合学校与CTE职业学校的衔接与配置,为学生提供丰富的课程设置,来保证学生发展更具多样化。同时,为了最大化地实现教育公平,美国又在校内以学分制、选课制、走班制来兼顾不同学习能力的学生,最后用高度科学化的考核编制来做最终的闭环。这种“普职一体”的教育模式为美国经济腾飞输送了大量职业技术人才,这对于推进我国基础教育改革及职业技术教育发展具有积极的借鉴意义。 The connection and configuration of comprehensive schools and CTE form the“Integration of general education and voca. tional education”in the American secondary education stage. It guarantees students’diverse development by providing students with a rich curriculum. Meanwhile,the United States also has a credit system,a course selection system,and a shifting system to take into ac. count students with different learning abilities. Doing so can maximize educational equity. Finally,a highly scientific assessment is used to make the final closed loop. This educational model has sent a large number of professional and technical personnel to the development of the US economy. This has positive reference significance for promoting the reform of basic education and the development of vocational and technical education in China.
作者 张慧玲 李杨 ZHANG Huiling;LI Yang(Institute of Politics,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen,Shanxi 041004,China)
出处 《广西科技师范学院学报》 2019年第3期134-137,126,共5页 Journal of Guangxi Science & Technology Normal University
基金 山西省软科学项目“德育课程改革与学生素质提升”(2011041056-02)
关键词 普职一体 教育分流 CTE 学校 综合学校 integration of general education and vocational education education streaming,CTE comprehensive schools
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