

“Preface to the Monument of the Tongshantang”:Literature Value
摘要 澳门同善堂创立于清末,其发展前后跨越三个世纪,是华人社会慈善公益组织的典范,在中国慈善公益发展史上具有深远影响。晚清两广总督谭钟麟撰写的《倡建蠔镜同善堂碑序》,是研究澳门同善堂发展的重要文献。从碑刻的特殊背景、丰富内涵、文献价值视角进行探讨,可以认定澳门同善堂的历史彰显了中国传统慈善公益多元发展的活力与潜力,对澳门近现代经济社会变迁产生了积极作用。加强对同善堂历史的研究,对于澳门实施"一国两制"、高度自治,开展爱国爱澳传统教育,弘扬中华慈善文化传统等,都具有现实指导意义和借鉴价值。 Tongshantang of Macao was founded in the late Qing dynasty. Its development spans three centuries. It is a model of charity and public welfare organization of Chinese society, which has a far-reaching influence on the development history of charity and public welfare in China. Written by Tan Zhonglin, governor of Province of Guangdong and Guangxi in the late Qing dynasty,“Preface to the Monument of the Tongshantang” is an important document to study the development of Tongshantang in Macao. According to the special background, rich connotation, and great literature value of the inscription, the author holds the point of views that the history of Tongshantang in Macao shows the vitality and potential of the multi-development of Chinese traditional charity and public welfare, which leads to a positive effect and influence on the economic and social changes in modern Macao. To strengthen the research on the history of Tongshantang is of great practical significance and reference value to implement “one country, two systems” and high self-government, carry out the traditional education of patriotism of Macao and carry forward the Chinese charity culture tradition.
作者 王熹 WANG Xi(Macao Polytechnic Institute, Centre of Sino-Western Cultural Studies, Macao 999078, China)
出处 《重庆三峡学院学报》 2019年第4期75-80,共6页 Journal of Chongqing Three Gorges University
关键词 同善堂 碑刻文献 澳门历史 慈善公益 Tongshantang the literature of inscription on stele history of Macao charity and publicwelfare
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