With regard to the mobilization mechanism of social media in social movement our traditional research main ly focuses on the influence of social media on social movements in terms of organizational structure information sharing and emotional discourse.Based on the analysis of the “g0v” technology network community in Taiwan this paper finds that the “g0v” technology network community has actively utilized technological capabilities and network resources to build a highly specialized and autonomous cooperation system in social movement in recent years thus constructing a social network plat form for social movement organizers and participants to connect and communicate with each other.On the other hand the col laborative participation brought by the technology empowerment has ultimately led to a large number of people becoming par ticipants and supporters of the social movement.Through the analysis of the organizational structure and actual operation of the science and technology network community in Taiwan this paper has contributed in two aspects:first to help improve understanding of the internal characteristics of the science and technology network community in Taiwan second to further enrich the awareness of the mobilization mechanism of the technology network community in the social movement in Taiwan.
Taiwan Research Journal