A postal mail driver’s deeds have earned him praise,and official recognition as a role model for the country.Qimeiduoji,a driver with China Post Group’s Ganzi subsidiary in Sichuan,has carried the mail between Ganzi and Dege on the SichuanTibet line for 30 years,driving along that dangerous road,at 3,500-m high or the level of snowline,to deliver the mail.After Qimeiduoji’s meritorious dedication was publicized recently, the outpouring of social response was large. What caught the public eye was his version of the "Old-Tibet Spirit" and the 4tTvvo-road Spirit." He once braved a ruffians, attack to deliver the mail and had to work to rehabilitate his wounded body in order to return to his post. His route routinely required him to drive the vehicle, loaded with some 14 tons of mail and packages, alone over 6,168m-high Que^r Mountain. Qimeiduoji has saved hundreds of people trapped in the freezing cold in snowstorms, using the oxygen tanks and medicine (Rhodiola rosea, and inosine oral liquid) readily available all the time on his truck.