
人工智能时代假新闻的“共谋”及其规避路径 被引量:17

The “Collusion” of Fake News in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and its Circumvention Path
摘要 人工智能对新闻业带来了巨大影响,最为明显的就是新闻生产主体日益多元化、新闻内容越来越丰富、新闻传播不断呈现出场景化的趋势。在关注人工智能对新闻业的影响时,不得不考量假新闻的大规模生产和传播这一问题。借助人工智能所具有的“自动化”生产和分发、受众的数字化、点击即获利、监测及算法、新闻生产链的延伸、即时传播等技术优势,各种新闻生产主体和利益主体之间能够实现有效的“共谋”,采取精心策划、勾连社会关系、搭建虚拟现实场景、实施规模化生产、隐藏技术的显性作用等方式,生产出极具诱惑性的假新闻。这些“共谋”的假新闻具有极大的负面影响,政府、媒体和公众应该联动起来,采用增加算法的透明度、对新闻进行有效过滤、大范围清除“机器水军”、加大新闻的审核和立法力度,以及大力实施媒介素养教育等方式,有效规避人工智能时代的各种假新闻。 The artificial intelligence has exerted a huge impact on journalism, the most obvious is that the news production subject is increasingly diversified, the news content is increasingly rich, and the news dissemination is constantly changing into scenes. In focusing on the impact of artificial intelligence on journalism, the mass production and dissemination of fake news should be taken into consideration. With the “automation” of production and distribution contained in artificial intelligence, the digitization of the audience, the benefits of clicking, monitoring and algorithms, the extension of the news production chain, in stant communication, and other technological advantages, all kinds of news production subjects and interest subjects can realize effective “collusion” by means of careful planning, connecting social relations, setting up virtual reality scene, relying on profes sional organization for large-scale production, and hiding the dominant role of technology, etc. They can produce highly epigamic fake news, and the “conspiracy” fake news has great negative effects. The government, the media and the public should join forces to increase the transparency of the algorithm, filter the news effectively, liquidate the “machine navy” on a large scale, clean up the relationship between people behind artificial intelligence fake news, strengthen the censorship and legislation of news, and vigorously implement media literacy education. It is an effective way to effectively avoid all kinds of fake news in the era of artificial intelligence.
作者 匡文波 KUANG Wenbo
出处 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期104-112,共9页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中国人民大学“双一流”建设 中国人民大学马克思主义新闻观研究中心“网民的政治效能感与社会认同的提升”(RMXW2018C002)阶段性成果
关键词 人工智能 假新闻 共谋 规避路径 artificial intelligence false news collusion circumvent
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