Entanglement is a defining feature of quantum physics with no classical analog. On the one hand, it is a powerful concept used in the fundamental study of quantum systems, many-body physics and even black hole physics. On the other hand, it is a key resource in quantum communication and information processing. Entanglement has been realized between photons[1], ions[2], spins[3], quantum dots[4] and even larger objects such as macroscopic diamonds[5]. Entanglement involving macroscopic objects is particularly intriguing and holds promise for novel quantum technologies. In a recent paper[6] published in Nature Physics, Srivastava and coworkers have unveiled an intriguing entanglement between collective and macroscopic vibration involving billions of atoms of the crystal (phonon) and a single optical excitation of a quantum dot (QD) in monolayer WSe2 (Fig. 1(a)). This is the first report on single photon entangled with phonon.