1930 年代上海市人力车夫的生活状况堪忧。有鉴于此,上海英美公共租界工部局出台名为“建议十六条”的报告书。报告书涉及车租、工时等问题,这触及到包括车商、人力车夫在内的相关利益者的利益,引起不满和抗议。经过多方斡旋与谈判,纠纷案得以解决,而纠纷案暴露出来的是外国列强经济侵略的野心。此次纠纷案既是对帝国主义侵略中国的桥头堡——公共租界的抗争,也是对上海市政府的一种抗议,是中国下层民众抗争精神的一个缩影。
The living conditions of rickshaw drivers in Shanghai in the 1930s were worrying. In view of this, the British and American Bureau of Public Concession Industry in Shanghai issued a report entitled "Recommendation 16". The report deals with rickshaw rental, working hours and other issues, which touches on the interests of stakeholders, including rickshaw dealers and rickshaw drivers, causing dissatisfaction and protest. After many mediations and negotiations, the dispute case was settled. The disputes exposed the foreign powers' economic aggression ambition. The dispute was not only a protest against the imperialist invasion of China's bridgehead, the public concession, but also a protest against the Shanghai municipal government. It was a microcosm of the struggle spirit of the lower classes of the Chinese people.
TANG Min-wang(Department of History, Anhui University, Hefei Anhui 230039)
Journal of Chaohu University