

The Establishment of Chaishanbao Revolutionary Base and Its Experience and Enlightenment
摘要 柴山保革命根据地是土地革命时期中国共产党在豫鄂边界大别山腹地建立的第一块革命根据地。革命根据地不同于一般意义上的落脚点,它解决的不仅仅是革命者的生存问题,更重要的是革命事业的发展问题。根据地是共产党人局部执政的施政区域,没有政权建设,就没有根据地的存在。柴山保革命根据地的建立为横跨鄂豫皖三省边界地区统一的鄂豫皖革命根据地的形成奠定了坚实基础,为土地革命时期中国共产党在华中腹地构筑了一个重要的战略支点。柴山保革命根据地的创建留下了宝贵的经验启示:革命事业离不开一批具有理想信念和奉献、牺牲精神的领头人;离不开革命的创造精神;离不开对先进经验的学习、吸收。 The Chaishanbao Revolutionary Base was the first revolutionary base established by the Communist Party of China in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains on the Henan-Hubei border during the Agrarian Revolution. The revolutionary base area is different from the general foothold. It solves not only the survival of revolutionaries, but also the development of revolutionary cause. Base areas are the administrative areas where the Communists are in partial power. Without the construction of political power, there will be no base areas. The establishment of Chaishanbao Revolutionary Base has laid a solid foundation for the formation of a unified Hubei-Henan-Anhui Revolutionary Base across the border areas of Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces, and it also has constructed an important strategic fulcrum for the Communist Party of China in the hinterland of central China during the Agrarian Revolution period. The establishment of Chaishanbao Revolutionary Base has left valuable experience and enlightenment: Revolutionary cause can not be separated from a group of leaders with ideals, beliefs, dedication and sacrifice spirit;Revolutionary cause can not be separated from the revolutionary creative spirit;Revolutionary cause can not be separated from the study and absorption of advanced experience.
作者 田青刚 TIAN Qinggang(Red Resources Research Center of Henan Province, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China)
出处 《赣南师范大学学报》 2019年第4期20-23,共4页 Journal of Gannan Normal University
基金 国家社科基金项目(19VPX021) 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目(2016BDJ007)
关键词 柴山保 革命根据地 Chaishanbao revolutionary base








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